Page 419 - She's One Crazy Lady!
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oblivious to this. Eventually Khriss realised what was wrong and without pausing for breath or showing any embarrassment, he nonchalantly zipped his flies, you acknowledged him and we all carried on – laughing about it with him afterwards!
You loved the ‘big occasions’ –
whether they were at school when
we put on productions, assemblies
and arranged residentials, or at
Crazy Hats when we organised
Dinner and Dances, Sales Days, Sky
Dives, celebration events and our
Walks – you loved being involved
and being busy and you always gave
every event your ‘all’ – always so reliable. How we used to laugh – and panic! Nearly always, just minutes before a big event was about to kick off, we were in our ‘work clothes’ and with guests arriving, would be in the toilets hastily getting changed, trying to appear calm and collected when meeting them. You will also remember my 50th and my 60th birthday parties – my 50th where we held a French-themed party held at Orlingbury Hall, guests of ‘Glennis and James’, with over 120 guests dressed in suitable French costume; my 60th being at the Bowls Club in Rushden where we held a ‘Forties Night’, again with over a hundred guests dressed in 40’s outfits. Both events we organised ourselves – with a lot of help from family and friends – we did everything. What fabulous parties they were! Your help was amazing! I often thought you were at your best when we had something big on. My 70th is not too far off – we always said we’d do a ‘back to school’ ‘do’!
A residential trip to the Isle of Wight where Vic Marks, our community policeman, joined us with David, a fellow teacher... we organised a water sports day for the children and had to help Vic into his wetsuit – say no more! Then later in the evening, the children all safely in bed, the four of us played cards... at 1.00am a bleary-eyed child appeared telling us to keep the noise down saying, “Some of us want to get to sleep!”
The time we presented £100,000 to the Breast Care Team at Kettering General Hospital... we were told Mr Stewart (Consultant) did not ‘do’ hats! We were all positioned for ‘the photo’ with our hats, except Mr Stewart. You turned to him and said:
“Look, we’re giving you £100,000 – you WILL wear a hat!” and promptly stuck a pink cowboy hat on his head. I think, deep down, he loved it!