Page 420 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 420

   You kept o“
The time I won £200 on a scratch card! We were in a small grocery store in Norfolk but when we went to collect the winnings (we always went halves if we won) the poor lady was so upset, saying they didn’t keep that much money. Never mind, we went to a larger supermarket nearby and with the money burning a hole in our pockets we agreed we were going to ‘blow the lot!’ Well, we were on holiday and that was our biggest win – ever! Earlier we’d gone past a lovely shop that sold beautiful bespoke and very colourful necklaces – you loved your necklaces – so we went back. I immediately fell in love with one of them and you with another – they were expensive. We bought one each. Once outside, you said: “I like yours better than mine.” I reassured you that yours was just as good. “I do like yours though, do you want to swap?” No. “Oh, go on, you won’t wear yours much. I really do like yours; I really do... ” You kept on, just like a child. I gave in! You actually ended up with both of them and you wore ‘mine’ much more than you wore ‘yours’! Your girls kindly agreed that I could keep ‘mine’. I proudly wore it at your funeral.
You loved our Thursday Coffee and Chat mornings
n, just like a child.
and our Tuesday mornings when the volunteers came in to work in our ‘Sweat Shop’. On Thursdays you would sit behind your desk and so many visitors would come in to talk to you. Although you were always busy collecting money for this and that, answering the phone, or whatever, you always made time for people; it was lovely to see you in deep conversation and often laughing with them. You touched the lives of so many people. – they loved you for being you. I could see it was good therapy for you too – like you said so many times when you were first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013 – when you said how glad you were to have Crazy Hats there for you – for you to be able to talk to others going through what you were going through.
On Tuesdays, our group of volunteers would sit with us and have lunch together – you would get embarrassed when you always spilt food (usually salad drowned in balsamic vinegar that stained) down your front, and got annoyed when we laughed! Well, it happened every week – we could guarantee it – and we still talk about it!
One lasting memory, that always makes me feel happy, is the way you sang along to music in the car when we were travelling somewhere. You loved your singing and had a very good singing voice – evident when we formed the Crazy Hats Choir and sang publicly. In the car one day we had the soundtrack to the Sound of Music on and the song –
I gave”

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