Page 423 - She's One Crazy Lady!
P. 423

I miss your presence
I miss you always ‘being there’
I miss you when something good/or bad happens I miss telling you all the ‘latest’ gossip
I miss you when something is troubling me
I miss our laughs
I miss you sitting next to me in the car
I miss your unique mannerisms and your wit
I miss you when I go shopping
I miss helping you in your garden and greenhouse I miss sitting in your garden with you and your cats I miss our endless phone calls
I miss your roast dinners!
Quite simply, I miss you all the time.
Grief is the price we pay for love.
Thank you, Marilyn, for being part of my happy dream,
reminding me of all the ‘good times’ and for giving me
the motivation to finally get this ‘bloody book finished!
I’m just so sorry that I didn’t finish it in time for you to read it. Thank you for being ‘you’!
God Bless. Sleep tight. Now at rest.
Glennis xxxx
PS: Thank you for our wonderful (our last and precious) four day ‘holiday’ we spent together in Norfolk. I’m so happy we made it! xx”
...for giving me the motivation
to finally get this ‘bloody book finished! ”

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