Page 136 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
P. 136

  Limitations are the biggest factor to stopping everyone from being the best at everything. Every now and then, your ability to control situations
and circumstances escape you. This is a story of how my wife Anna Pollock refused to allow her limitations of a physical disability ‘defy her’ and how, with hard work, perseverance and dedication she represented Team UK at the Invictus Games 2016.
Rewind to the point of injury and how unexpectedly
your life can change, Anna experienced a random
bleed on her spine in August 2013 while sleeping.
There has been no rhyme or reason for the bleed and
nothing proven to date or nothing even suspected
as to the cause, it’s just, ‘one of those things’. The
bleed has left her with incomplete paralysis through T4-T7 which causes severe and constant nerve pain. This, in any circumstance is devastating, but couple this with moving home to live in another country in just one day and you’ll be close to understanding just how far from ready Anna and her family were prepared for such a life changing injury.
Anna, a veteran of 7 years in the RAF served as a medic in  ying stations around the UK including a tour of Iraq in 2003. Anna left the RAF in 2007 shortly after having her  rst child. Anna, mother of 3, was a housewife supporting her husband Scott, a serving Royal Army Physical Training Corps Instructor as they moved around the country on various assignments and in different roles.
Anna’s journey over the last 4 years has seen many changes in direction and included some avenues being closed forever. There were times during these months when Anna felt frustrated, vulnerable and alone and despite how much support was around Anna was struggling inside to cope with what had happened. Then, one night back in 2014, she watched the inaugural Invictus Games on TV. She heard the stories, shared the emotions and passion of the athletes and although still in a very dark place, it provided hope, drive and more importantly, a goal and focus.
In 2015, Anna made great leaps in her recovery and sport played a huge part in her wellbeing and  tness. Despite some surgical set backs, she completed a couple of half Ironman’s, Ironman UK, a week long charity bike ride and the epic Arch to Arc endurance triathlon (Enduroman) as part of the  rst ever all female team to complete it.
Prior to that life changing injury Anna’s focus, drive and enthusiasm for sport and life were contagious and she loved every minute
of it. Following her injury and the dark days that followed, sport proved that, as in life, there are many challenges and limitations. Whilst Anna is and will continue adapting to overcome these challenges other areas of her life are blossoming once more and she has started to  nd her love for life again.
In February 2016 Anna attended the Team UK selection trials for the Invictus Games at Bath University. This was one of her biggest challenges to date post injury. There were plenty of wounded, injured, sick soldiers and veterans all after one goal; selection and the opportunity to represent the nation. After 3 days of trials and a certain incident in front of royalty, she headed home feeling satis ed
with her performance. 4 weeks later she received ‘the call’ informing her that she had been successful and would be part of Team UK on an international sporting stage.
The Games were being hosted in America and Anna travelled with no ambition other than being able to compete and felt extremely grateful to be part of something meaningful, with a sense of belonging once more. By the end of the Games Anna had been in contention for her cycling and rowing but more surprisingly she came 3rd in three swimming disciplines and despite being disquali ed on a 2nd place  nish she was pleased with her performances considering she couldn’t swim before her injury. In all events her improvements since the selection weekend were impressive and provided immediate feedback on how she had improved and highlighted what she had achieved despite her limitations.
Anna’s achievements were/are amazing and whilst she achieved more than she thought possible, the realisation of just how close
Anna Pollock with Prince Harry
    Anna Pollock Enduroman
Anna Pollock Medals

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