Page 151 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
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   RAPTC Garden of Remembrance. The Garden of Remembrance is located within the grounds of the ASPT and maintained under the ASPT grounds contract. The contract gardeners do an excellent job looking after the planting and keeping the lawn in check, however, the memorial gazebo is not covered under the grounds contract and has not been wearing so well in the weather and was in need of some repairs and a lick of paint. The Corps SM, WO1 C Burnett RAPTC took the initiative and gathered a group of staff and Instructors from HQ RAPTC and ASPT to provide a little TLC for the gazebo which has ensured it will be  t for purpose for the next couple of years.
Memorial Plaques
    SMI (now Capt) Green Repairing the Roof Prep for Painting Of cers and Staff Hard at it
to a new house in Essex and getting a new job. As our  rst professional quali ed curator Adam took the museum forward in leaps and bounds and along the way gained of cial accreditation for the museum with the Arts Council England. We wish him well in his new venture and thank him for all his work in taking the museum forward.
After a short but intense recruiting drive for a replacement, interviews were set up and from a very strong cast of candidates Mr Eli Dawson was offered and took up the post of Curator for the RAPTC Museum. Eli started in Jan 17, has already made a positive impression and we are seeing the results of his initiatives and endeavours which are taking the museum forward into the modern era. His annual report can be found under the Features and Fillers Section.
We also said a fond farewell to Alf Prince who has been an unpaid volunteer in the RAPTC Museum for just over 8 years and worked sel essly for the Corps despite having served in the REME during his military service.
Association Branches. The Association Branches have again continued to provide a local focus and social network for their members. All the Branches held successful dinners and AGMs during this year and our thanks must go to the Chairmen,
Lt Col (SMSS) T Scarr RAPTC Presenting a gift to Mr Adam Culling – outgoing Museum Curator
Secretaries, their committees and helpers who ensure these Branches function. In a world where social media appears to be eroding the need for physical reunions it is ever more important that we maintain the Branch dinners which allow us to meet and reminisce with likeminded people who share the same past and similar experiences. Lt Col (Retd) Phil Watkins and Lt Col (Retd) Don McBurney have both stood down from their Branch duties after many years of commitment and hard work to the Association and on behalf of all Association members I thank them for their hard work over the years.
The SE Branch Golfers

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