Page 152 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
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  Headquarters RAPTC. The Regt Sec is based in Mackenzie Building within Fox Lines, embedded in the RAPTC HQ and shares a corridor with the ASPT HQ Staff. This brings him into contact with a number of occasions and events throughout the year that do not necessarily fall into any given area so I thought a few insights into life in the HQ might bring a smile:
Of cer’s Coffee break spills out into the Garden of Remembrance
Lt Col (SMAA) T Scarr RAPTC, Maj (MAA) G Hendrickson RAPTC and Maj (MAA) I Phillips RAPTC sort the world out over a cuppa
Get together for Secret Santa before Christmas lunch
Capt (MAA) I Bareham RAPTC presenting Cross Swords to his son for completing the All Arms Physical Training Instructors Course
Diary Dates for 2018. Notable dates for 2018 are listed below however they are subject to change so for an up-to-date list of events and dates please visit the RAPTC Association website.
Dear All
Thank you all for the superb framed Corps  ag, which is now proudly hanging on the wall in my house, in my favourite room, where I will spend plenty of time in retirement. It is absolutely perfect and just what I wanted. I think you all know how much I have enjoyed my 4 years as your Comdt: I cannot think of a better way to top off my Army career, it has been the most fun and a rewarding experience of my 36 years. I have made some tremendous friends and colleagues, and will stay in touch with you all in retirement.
The RAPTC is a truly ‘World Class’ organisation, which leads the way in instilling and maintaining the battle-winning ethos of the Army: ‘Values and Standards R Us’. I know how much the top of the Army values what we ‘bring to the party’ and although we are going to have to face some reductions in size, our contribution to the Army will only increase. Remember, whatever you do, it is always about the people.
Good luck for the future and ‘for honours sake be  t’ JD
Brig John Donnelly CBE receiving his Corps print from the Colonel Commandant – Lt Gen J Bashall CBE
   5 Dec 17
North West Branch - AGM and Christmas function
24 Feb 18
7 Apr 18
12 May 18
14, 15 & 16 Sep 18
South West Branch Dinner North East Branch Golf / Dinner South East Branch Golf / Dinner RAPTC Biennial Reunion
3 Mar 18
North West Branch Dinner
13 Apr 18
Eastern Branch Golf / Dinner
1 & 2 Jun 18
Scottish Branch Golf / Dinner

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