Page 33 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2016/17
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SSgt (SSI) Wallace – Receiving MVP at the Inter Units
17 P & M Biathlon
amendments. To improve individual’s con dence and ultimately pass the MST, 17P&M undertook the successful running of a learn to swim course. From this, 7 out of 12 previously identi ed as non-swimmers managed to pass the MST successfully, with all participants making huge improvements with both their technique and con dence in the water.
This has been a hugely successful year for the Unit, with their physical endeavours going from strength to strength. For a little known Unit we have managed to win competitions on a national scale, undertake pilot schemes that will de ne future policy and now, it seems like higher echelon’s are getting wind. The Army Sergeant Major is due to visit and join in on a PT session and visit the Port to see what makes 17P&M’s such a successful and unique Regiment, it seems like it will not be long before our secrets are known Army wide!
Boden Cup – In Memory of Maj Boden
and grasp the physical sessions whole heartedly. This attitude has not just been restricted to the con nement of the Barracks, with 17 P&M dominating in the sporting arena.
This year has seen 17 P&M continue to excel in myriad sports. The Women’s Basketball Team managed to defy the odds, beating teams with multiple Army players to win the triple crown; RLC Champions, Army South Inter Unit Champions and nally Army Inter Unit Champions. The effort was mirrored in the Netball, sweeping the oor of other
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national competitors. Importantly for those at the Unit, this was the rst year the team managed to win the coveted Boden Cup, named after the late Major Lesley Boden, a former OC at 17 P&M, making the win even more nostalgic, and those involved proud to bring the cup home to where it belonged. Although these were special wins, these were not the only success stories this year with inter unit and Army wins in; Hockey, Rugby, Boxing, shing, Skiing as well as the RLC Brigade Festival of Sport winners.
With sport and tness at the forefront of 17P&M’s successful year, it would be an injustice not to mention the huge achievements by those undertaking the initial Do-Fit pilot. Of the 16 that undertook the programme, an astonishing 12 participants managed to maintain their weight loss 12 months into the programme. This magni cent effort to change not only their waistline but their lifestyle, has seen individuals go from Medically Non Deployable Permanent (MND)(P) to successfully passing the AFT and A3 test and moving up in their medical categories.
Building on the Pilot Do-Fit, the new modular Do-Fit Pilot again being ran at this Regiment has seen elements of the previous week long intensive course broken down into once weekly three hour sessions. This new approach has allowed increased exibility and increased attendance of SNCO’s. More importantly, it has also allowed us as a team to have weekly contact with the participants and offer increased guidance. This continues to be the Pilot scheme for the UK armed forces ran weight management initiative. Feedback from these courses running from 17P&M will act as a guidance to assist the development of Tri Service Policy and future courses.
Being a very busy port, it is essential that our personnel remain ghting t, yet, it is also important that they can swim, with numerous non-swimmers identi ed by the recent swimming test