Page 26 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 26
SSgt (SSI) B Lincoln RAPTC
SSgt (SSI) D Parish RAPTC
Iarrived at the unit following Summer Leave, not a long move for me as I was serving at 5 Bn REME (two doors to the left in the Tidworth Leisure Centre). The Bn had just returned
from OP CABRIT in Estonia so were re-adjusting to the daily routine in Tidworth.
I was quickly told I’d be losing the Welsh Warriors Gym as plans had been made to upgrade the building. The Gym is situated in the old cookhouse and was in a good condition considering. Luckily there was no smell of chips and burgers. The uplift included new flooring, shower and changing facilities, and offices for the AAPTI LCpl Davies and I.
The unit celebrated the Battle of Rorkes Drift with LCpl Davies organising and delivering a great PT session. Sections competed in several events including, log and cross-country races, and a finale equipment/gun race which took place on the Bn square, the day ended in the “other ranks” bar area watching Zulu.
This will be my last attempt at being a Telegraph reporter as I’ll shortly be a Mr. My 22 years’ service has flown by and I’ll be finishing my time in Tidworth where I first served in Dec 99 with 1 PWRR. We’ve all seen many changes in the Army and may the positive changes continue. I would like to wish members of the RAPTC all the best for the future.
SSgt Lincoln Estonia Handover
This is what we do...
and who we are...
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Recce PT