Page 52 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 52

    Gun Wharf
pleasure and I am keen to see more RAPTC teams in the future. AT is limited on the Rock these days, but we do have a non-public yacht that is available for charter with the right qualifications, some basic sea/inland kayaking and we also host around ten (plus) HQ ATG(A) Sub Aqua dive expeditions per year. In addition, we have lots of recreational water sports activities to get involved with, from powerboating to wakeboarding and the more relaxing paddle boarding.
The JPDU Gun Wharf team are very proud to have assisted the ‘Rowing Marine’ Lee Spencer in his build up and preparations for his epic journey of rowing (single-handedly) across the Atlantic Ocean; which he achieved in a record time of 60 days, 16 hours and 6 minutes.
HELM Point pool
As a Command and in particular the Army contingent we have fully embraced the APTS; the QMSI and his team are delivering a great package which is having noticeable effects. In addition, we have introduced an annual inter service sports competition the ‘Commander British Forces Cup’ which has been well supported and the inaugural event due to take place in May 19 is eagerly awaited.
There are lots of opportunities to take advantage of the great facilities that Gibraltar has to offer, be that in an official capacity or on leave with friends and family; and should any of you be interested please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.
 It has been a few years since I last provided a few notes, 2015 to be exact for the Mind, Body & Spirit (MBS) that said, I didn’t expect to do this again as a civilian (well veteran) so naturally
when SMI Gibraltar, SMI Noteyoung contacted me and asked if I would like to provide a few lines, it made my day. Thank you.
It seems like yesterday that I said goodbye to the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) however when I think what I have achieved in the last 3 years it seems an age ago that I said goodbye. I must say I feel very privileged to have served in the, ‘British Army’, of which 13 years were in the RAPTC. When I look back at my time I smile and most definitely I was looked after; to ALL those that guided, managed and led me, thank you, not forgotten.
So what have I been doing since I left RAPTC??? Well in the January of 2016 I commenced my Police Training with the Royal Gibraltar
Police (RGP), some 21 weeks later
I achieved the title of ‘Best Recruit’
and passed out as a newly qualified
copper. Some 2 weeks later I was
assigned to Operational Police
Duties. After completing 2 years of
operational duties I applied to a small
specialised department namely
Drug Squad. This small department
target drug dealers and mainly work
covertly. Shortly after I applied, I
was promoted to a Detective and
commenced my new duties with
the Squad. Already another year has
passed and in short, the role of a Drug Squad Officer suited my character perfectly. As you can imagine with Morocco and Spain either side of Gibraltar we remain a very busy department.
Recently, I passed the first part of my Sergeant Exam and I am awaiting the results of my second and final exam. If successful, I will return to Operational Duties managing a shift (alongside 2 other Sgt’s) of 25 Police Constables.
Before I say goodbye and potentially for the last time, I wish you and your families all the best for the future. For those that had the pleasure (or maybe not) to work for me as AAPTI, thank you; your efforts did not go un-noticed and that is why the RAPTC snapped you up, well done. For all those that know me, if you’re ever in Gibraltar please give me a message or call on +350 54013982 beforehand, be great to catch up over a beer or coffee.
Kindest Regards - Detective Constable.143 Tony Gaul MBE
Ex (SMI) T Gaul MBE

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