Page 50 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 50

  As you would expect life in the sun seems to be moving extremely fast, not only where time is concerned but also on the Physical Development front. The previous training year has seen large chunks of transition with a new Station Commander, SO2 J7 PD and Resident Infantry Battalion (2 Mercian) all completing the proverbial one place change, it was important to quickly adapt but also maintain a level of continuity within an extremely busy Joint Service and demanding community environment that is Episkopi & Troodos Station.
Royal Anglian Boxing Event
Episkopi Station Gym New S & C Area
Interservice Football
From a PD perspective, our main aim has been the implementation of the APTS and although within the Joint Service environment, all have been very receptive in understanding and embracing what the Army/RAPTC are trying to achieve as well as acknowledging the benefits within the system, with the above we have seen a large scale revamp of the Station Gym to bring us into line and give us the required tools to deliver upon the RAPTC mission.
Sport & Fitness as you would expect play a huge part in people’s daily business, the weather potentially could have something to do with this but the RAPTCIs’ and SO2 on Island don’t disappoint, with well executed and well attended events happening on a weekly basis all Military and community personnel are undoubtedly spoilt for choice.
From an OIC Sport perspective we finish the training year with a bang, the annual BFC Gym 2 Gym and the culmination of the Combined Service Football Leagues and Cup landing on the doorstep weeks apart, being kept on your toes could be a slight understatement. Getting these two large scale appointments out the way means I can relax and look forward to enjoying the Cypriot sun, I am pretty sure we all know the SO2 J7 PD and Station Command have other ideas.
A busy and highly enjoyable period with lots of great experience gained, I imagine things will be no different moving into my final year in post. With the implementation of SCR and PES to kick the training year off we look forward to the challenges at hand.
CSFA Major Unit League Winners
     Episkopi Station New Pool Cover

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