Page 51 - RAPTC Number 102 2018/19
P. 51
At the time of writing this article I have been assigned to Headquarters British Forcers Gibraltar (HQ BFG) for a little over 8 months. As you might expect me to say, both location and job are fantastic; albeit I am saying that whilst I squat a mosquito... true story! For the most of you that have not had the pleasure of serving here, I recommend it; for those that have never been or did not know it existed, I urge you to consider a visit.
HQ BFG is a Joint Force Command 1 Star organisation, largely made up of Naval personnel but with a fair contingent of Army and RAF personnel. In addition, also permanently stationed here is the Royal Gibraltar Regiment (RG) who are the home defence unit for the British overseas territory of Gibraltar.
As the SMI my role is twofold, firstly in my capacity as SO3 J7 I advise CBF on all aspects of PD from both a joint and single service perspective and implement the relevant policies and sponsor/authorise all PD Trg in Gibraltar. As the OC of JPDU I oversee the operation of the DTC Gymnasium and fitness suites, Gun Wharf AT & Water Sports Centre and HELM Point Pool. Secondary to this, as the senior Army WO here in Gibraltar, I have been appointed as the Army Minor Units (AMU) Sergeant Major and represent all AMU soldiers. A highlight of that was ensuring
RAPTC Reunion Gibraltar
WO1 (SMI) K Noteyoung RAPTC
we were all prepared for the Armistice 100 on Remembrance Sunday.
There are lots of opportunities and unique training facilities in Gibraltar, from tunnel warfare to brilliant military history sites looking at the amazing defence systems that deterred many an enemy over the last 300 years. We also sponsor a fair few sports visits on an annual basis, including hosting the RAPTC Football team and Swimming and Water Polo team in 2018; which was a