Page 107 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 107
Maj (MAA) A Barnett RAPTC
Firstly, I must thank Maj Chris Deed for all he has done whilst in tenure as SO2 Defence Rehabilitation and especially his work on establishing the Forward
Medical Rehabilitation Teams (FMRT) in support of major exercises in BATUK and BATUS. This asset will continue to give our ERIs ‘operational’ experience when deployed.
ERIs working within Defence Rehabilitation is integral to effective force generation. Not-withstanding recent con icts, injury rates continue to rise and the ERI fraternity are in a constant battle to maintain Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and reduce the Muscular Skeletal Injuries (MSKI) population.
It is important that we continue to develop professionally and since the cadre is a Tri- service capability, sharing best practice and evidence based practice is increasingly important. Senior ERIs amongst the cadre are encouraged to mentor junior ERIs
and develop their clinical skill set. The joint approach between mainstream RAPTCIs and RAPTC ERIs is becoming increasingly evident and it is heartening to see so many of you working collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for personal under your care.
The command structure within Defence Rehabilitation is under review and the Regional Training Specialist Advisors (RTSAs) will likely assume increased responsibility for some aspects of governance in the regional PCRFs. Given the increasing levels of responsibility and extra tasks required of the RTSAs, DDR are developing a course which aims to prepare future RTSAs prior to
assuming appointment of the role.
Finally, as Head of Cadre please feel free to pick up the phone to discuss any ERI related issues.
It’s been yet another relentless year in the ever evolving process of Rehab delivery in the DPHC (S) Region. At RRU Aldershot itself we have seen a continuance
of the rotation of military hierarchal appointments at
both 2IC & OC level, as the Unit continues to sustain
an exceptionally high level of rehab delivery to its ever
diverse patient base. Since my last update the RRU
will lose military staff in the form of the OC Maj A Reece
(leaving the service), and Capt E Radcliffe (on promotion
to RRU Cosford) and replaced by Capt S Dalziel (already
in post) and eventually a new OC in the form of Maj R
Ferry in May 16. We’ve also had a Business Manager
in the form of Flt Lt Holly Shrimpton over the past 18
months; who has been a vital asset in the management of most things administratively including my sanity; despite her being RAF – (not her fault).
The RRU continues to offer 3 concurrent inpatient rehabilitation courses throughout the year along with a Running Re-education course held every 4 months. During each of these courses patients are provided education on a holistic approach to their rehab
including programme design, correct exercise form and technique, understanding of pain, nutrition, relaxation, yoga and expectation management, particularly through goal directed treatment.
ERIs have always been involved in Operations in some capacity but with the drive by DDR to have ERIs working hand in hand with Medical Units, and being able to deliver a ‘dual approach’ to overall physical capability, we’ve also seen ERIs from our region deployed on various exercises with these Units. In Aug 15 Sgt (SI) Rich Rowley deployed on Ex PRAIRIE STORM 3 (BATUS) as part of the Forward Medical Rehabilitation Team (FMRT)
with 5 Med Regt over a 6 week period. During the maintenance days Sgt Rowley and Capt Radcliffe (Physio) deployed as part of the Primary Healthcare capability to potentially reduce the number of BG CASEVAC cases due to MSKIs. The statistics collated from a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR) of 1800 troops over this period demonstrates the capability to rehabilitate MSKIs on the training area, whilst highlighting the value of the ERI role on future deployments. Sgt Rowley reports it was a fantastic
Sgt (SI) Rai & Sgt (SI) Rowley RRU Aldershot
Sgt (SI) Rowley & Capt Radcliffe on Exercise in Canada