Page 142 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 142
Lt Col (SMAA) S Davis RAPTC on his last day as SMAA
Association Members, Serving and Retired at the Close down of the ASPT (G)
Past and Present RAPTC Squash Players at the RAPTC Sports Awards Dinner
Once again, Association members attended the Field of Remembrance (FoR) and the March past the Cenotaph in November 2015 and I hope the photos below provide
a sense of the occasion. At past March Pasts we have only had glimpses on the TV of those marching but during the BBC Coverage of the Cenotaph March Past in 2015 the RAPTC Marching contingent were in full view and it was possible to identify all those marching which I think is a rst. Security for the 2016 parades is being tightened and invites to march past the Cenotaph will be sent direct to those marching so the calling letter for attendance at the 2016 National Remembrance Parade at the Cenotaph has already been distributed. Those members who would like to represent the RAPTC Association at this National event but have not received the calling notice should contact the Regimental Secretary in the rst instance.