Page 19 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
P. 19
Maj (MAA) JJ Darby RAPTC
Maj (MAA) Jayne Ecott RAPTC & Maj (MAA) Jim Darby RAPTC
After a swift but thorough handover of the Iron Division PD baton with Maj Jayne Ecott, it was off for Christmas leave and take stock of our Canadian effects! I must take this opportunity to thank Jayne for managing to nish off and distribute the 3UKXX PD Policy. The thought of passing the PD Policy over while I was still trying to get out of my Jodhpurs was a bit worrying! My rst month in the chair was spent reassuring units that the PD Policy was the future and we would all bene t from its legacy.
Following a period of my own transition back to an Army going through a number of cultural changes, it was time to put my own stamp on the Divisional HQ, by introducing an Inter Departmental Sports Competition, the Iron Trophy. It was clear from the start that a sports competition for an extremely high tempo Divisional HQ, preparing to be at a high level of readiness, was going to be tricky.
That said, and in true team spirit, the Divisional staff embraced the competition from the outset. The rst competition Cross Country certainly motivated the troops. Thank you to SSgt (SSI) Ward RAPTC 3DSR and his team for organising the rst event.
If the Iron Trophy didn’t grip some of the Divisional HQ staffs imagination, then the next event, the WATTBIKE challenge de nitely did (insert pic 3). Thanks to SSgt (SSI) Foster RAPTC 1 Mercian and his team, in particular Cpl Scott 1 Mercian for organising such a great event. We look forward to the next event, Golf to be hosted by KRH RAPTCI SSgt (SSI) Watson RAPTC.
I have no doubt the Iron Trophy will offer the Div staff the opportunity to get away from their busy desks, and unwind a little with some challenging competition.
Maj Ecott handing over to Maj Darby
Now with the 3 months honeymoon over, it’s down to some real work! Taking on the Secretary of the Divisional Health Committee (DHC) has certainly got my grey matter bubbling. Having conversations with the Medical SMEs on how we can better prepare the Division for readiness has been interesting. Medial Risk Assessments (MRA) is just one area that is causing some stimulating debate. Preparing information for Commanders that will allow them to take their Medically Non-Deployable (MND) personnel on Operations is thought provoking. That said, with the recruitment tap almost off, we need to do better with what we have. I have to say, SO2 PD as the main focus for Health within the Division is absolutely right. The opportunity where you add real value to a Division, in ensuring it is “ t” both physically and mentally for any operation, is rewarding in itself.
The SO2 G7 PD post itself, albeit continuing to settle within the new A2020 model is diverse, interesting and hugely rewarding. With the main effort being advising 7 (Adaptive Force) Brigades and 1 Logistic Brigade on the whole PD and Health space. As the Division and PD role shapes under A2020 re ne the 1* Formation PD SO3s are delivering a very valuable service indeed and this is echoed around the Division with many events and exercises taking place; Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL (160X), Ex PIPEDOWN (102 Log X) to name but a few. Of special mention is the huge support given to the AF from Regional Command.
In March 2016, fourteen of the Div HQ Staff deployed to Pitztal Glacier, Austria on Ex Rhino Peak. An Alpine Ski Adventurous
Training Exercise. The terrain, conditions and group dynamics for the exercise execution were excellent.
In closing, the British Army remains exible, resilient and adaptable, as must the Division as a whole. The PD and Health space are held in very high regard and we continue to accept the challenges that are set us. A big thank you to the outgoing SO3s (too many to mention) and a bigger welcome to the new incumbents. The 1* Formations are critical in remaining focussed on supporting our Units in the delivery of Of cers and Soldiers that are healthy, t and conditioned for combat operations in any theatre of operations.
“The Fighting First”
XC Start line
Wattbike challenge