Page 21 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
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FTC outputs during Operations and Training. This has developed successful engagement to formalise DPTE and bring this capability in to Core for the wider Army and Defence. By linking together with PJHQ, Army HQ and the Tri-service Heads of PT, amendments to existing doctrine will be made on how PT and recreational sports are conducted during deployments. This will provide the necessary direction on how the Army plans and then executes this scalable capability to support varying size deployments from Short Term Training Teams (STTTs) to Battle Group plus size deployments.
This project will also have the potential to mature into a wider capability that will no doubt bene t other Army and Defence future projects with con dence that the RAPTC will be the driving force behind supporting PD for our people during all deployments.
Exercise Rehabilitation Instructor (ERI). Another successful project is the FTC funding of ten civilian ERI’s in ten different locations to assist FTC units for 16 months. This follows collaborative work between FTC G8 Civ Sec, G7 PD Dept, the Directorate of Defence Rehabilitation (DDR) and DPHC Regional Ops Managers. The work conducted as part of this initiative by those from Civ Sec, DDR and DPHC has been invaluable and sincere thanks goes to all those involved in this work for their support, advice and guidance. This venture will support the delivery of the DMRP by DPHC by providing rehabilitation forward in a number of FTC Units.
Ex Grif n Challenge. The PD Departments  rst major tasking was to invite ten brigades to participate in a 2* March and Shoot Competition (Ex Grif n Challenge), a demanding military skills competition testing physical stamina, mental agility and combat shooting that ful ls an “Active Edge” ethos. This event is now an annual competition that tests basic soldier skills, MATTs,  tness and leadership by its very design. The nature of this 2* event requires the support of many of our RAPTCI’s, some of which came from outside of the FTC structure, without their can-do approach, help and assistance the competition would not have been possible to achieve and would not have been the success that it was. You are all thanked for your efforts during this event, we hope that you enjoyed yourself and would love to see you all again in 2016.
The HQ continues to organise AT and take part in various sports. These activities remain highly bene cial and popular, driven by individuals who continue to promote and gain a wealth of experience. Various members of the HQ have taken part in a number of larger expeditions and activities including: Ex GRIFFIN KILLY, Ex TRANSGLOBE and Ex SPARTAN HIKE.
AT. Ex GRIFFIN KILLY 15 was conducted during the 23 – 30 Jan 16 in the Savoire region of the French Alps. This Ex provided opportunity for formal adventurous training for 52 staff from HQ
FTC & ISR Bde. Instruction will be given to those without military skiing quali cations that will lead to each participant gaining a recognised Army alpine skiing quali cation.
Ex SPARTAN HIKE 2016 (Ex SH 16) is a skiing competition which was planned and executed by our very own; Maj (MAA) Rick Young. Ex SH 16 took place in Serre Chevalier, France, during the period 10-19 Jan 16. It’s the Army’s Inter Unit Semi Final (A) for both the Army Alpine and Nordic Ski Championships and incorporates the Army Reserve Ski Championships. It is also one of the two essential quali cation competitions for the Army Alpine and Army Nordic Championships providing a safe competitive environment in which to develop and test the military personal attributes of determination, courage, endeavor, leadership,  tness and marksmanship, through Nordic cross country, Biathlon and Alpine ski competitions; additionally, to encourage novice participation to develop their skill base in an environment that empowers them to feel more comfortable with stress, pressure and fatigue.
Sports. Many HQ FTC members are also actively involved with sports. The GOC Maj Gen Urch CBE along with Capt Namal and Cpl Gurung were members of the winning Army vets squash team. Our very own WO2 (QMSI) Mason competing with the Army women’s cycling team won the ‘team of the year’ award and were presented their medals at the Army Sports Awards evening held in Aldershot. WO2 Mason was also nominated for the sports woman of the year award for cycling which is a fantastic achievement and a culmination of a fantastic sporting year. Other HQ FTC members continue to drive sports for example; X-C, hockey, station football and orienteering to name a few, but a combined HQ FTC staff effort to commit to the RC indoor rowing league has proven to be a very popular and very competitive event amongst the staff. The FTC Indoor Rowing Team  nished in second place in the Male Team Masters and Open Championships, with the COS coming second in the Individual Male Lightweight Open category.
It’s worth a mention that HQ FTC is the lead for planning and delivering the 2016 Army HQ Staff Ride as part of OP REFLECT. This is the British Army’s major commemoration of WW1. In preparation the SO2 and I had the privilege to experience the successful 2nd phase of the preparations to commemorate the Battle of the Somme 1916, in France.
Finally, and in closing FTC G7 PD Branch would like to say a big thank you to the HQ FTC staff, FTC Bde Staff, Regional Bde SO3’s and those FTC and wider Army RAPTCIs and AAPTIs that have aided us in the delivery of PT, AT, Sport, Health and Rehabilitation. Your can-do, will-do attitude, your efforts and assistance in helping us to deliver the PD capability across the Division during 2015/16 has been excellent. Without your support this would be very dif cult for us to achieve.

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