Page 80 - Mind, Body and Spirit 2015-16
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Phase 2 Soldiers loaded marching around Stonehenge
the unit’s mission statement is far more diverse. The main focus of the Regiment is the development of the Phase 2 soldiers who are housed within 24th (Irish) Battery, 1st (The Blazers) Battery and 34th (Sermingapatam) Battery and the support of all live and dry artillery ring exercises conducted on SPTA; in conjunction with the Royal School Artillery (RSA). 14 Regt RA also supports all Phase 3 courses conducted by the RSA and sustains the tness requirements for the RSA HQ. What’s more, the 14 Regt RA RAPTCI also undertakes the responsibilities of the Garrison Gymnasium QMSI as the gymnasium is co-shared between 32 Regt RA, 47 Regt RA and 74 Support Battery.
The Royal Artillery Phase 2 syllabus sees a Soldier under Training (SuT) undergo their speci c trade training which includes driver training, combat signals, education in key skills, basic close combat skills and conversion to Landover training. On average, a Phase 2 soldier will spend 12 weeks at Larkhill before being assigned to their eld force unit. During their time at Larkhill, the SuTs experience ve periods of Physical Development per week. The PD programme has been scrutinised and restructured in order to bridge the training de cit between Phase 1 and Phase 2. The main obstacle faced in delivering the PD programme is the rolling intake of the Phase 2 soldiers which leads to the limited gymnasium staff of two AAPTIs and two SIOs regularly encountering class sizes of 80 plus students. Couple this with providing AAPTI cover for the rest of the RSA as well as the Regiment you soon start to see that it’s a juggling act and managed during weekly PD meetings.
With Larkhill being the home of the Royal Artillery, a vast majority of Corps conferences, meetings and sporting events are hosted by the Regiment. On the sporting front, the gymnasium entertains one of the biggest boxing events within the Army with an impressive 122 boxers competing at the 2015 Championships. Male and female boxers from 12 different Regiments battle it out over four days of ghting in the nal Victor Ludorum competition. The Victor Ludorum is an annual competition that involves all the Royal Artillery units, including Reservist,
Phase 2 Soldiers during a gun run
contesting ten sporting events throughout the year; of which eight are held in Larkhill. In additional to the Victor Ludorum, the unit has hosted all Royal Artillery Inter Corps home xtures played in football, hockey, both codes of rugby and ve XC events.
The Regiment boasts a full spectrum of sporting talent from grass roots competitors to international athletes; and every level in between. This wealth of talent has ensured the Regiment has enjoyed a high success rate in a variety of sports. The Regiment are current the Army Half Marathon Champions, the Army Fly Fishing Champions, runners up at the Army Orienteering Championships and the Royal Artillery cycling, hockey, squash and XC Champions. However, the Regiment’s de ning triumph came in November 2015 when it was announced that the unit had won the prestigious Major Unit Army Sport Trophy which was awarded to the Commanding Of cer by General Sir Nick Cater in the Guildhall, London. Furthermore, the Regiment’s Welsh international rugby star Capt Gemma Rowland was crowned the Army’s Sportswoman of the Year.
Looking forward, on the 26th May 2016 the Royal Regiment will celebrate its 300th Anniversary. As part of the celebration of this signi cant milestone, the Royal Artillery has been conducting a west to east circumnavigation of the globe. The Captain-General’s Baton, designed to represent the Corps 300th anniversary, started its journey at the Royal Artillery’s birth place in Woolwich on 12 June 2015, and will nish at its Regimental home in Larkhill on 26 May 2016. To mark the occasion, the Regiment is staging a duly respectful and digni ed day of events that will be witnessed by the Royal Artillery’s Captain General, her Majesty the Queen. The day will be lled with military parades, a Regiment Gun Salute, sporting competitions, an impressive reworks display and a music festival dubbed ‘Party on the Plain’.
As I re ect on my rst assignment with the Royal Artillery I can whole-heartily say that I have relished every challenge I have encountered and all other aspects of my role. I am in the fortunate position to have been appointed to a Regiment, and Corps that fully supports and endorses the physical development of their soldiers not only in the con nes of the gymnasium but across the medium of sport and adventurous training. I can wholeheartedly recommend an assignment to Larkhill as it offers a ful lling and demanding post; with lots of ‘added extras’. The development of subordinates at every level, management of a Garrison Gymnasium and the challenge of hosting numerous events are all part of the exciting equation. Whether you are an enthusiastic Sgt, an industrious ERI SSgt or a pragmatic QMSI, 14 Regt RA ticks all the boxes.
WO2 (QMSI) Paton with Army Major Unit Sports Trophy