Page 4 - July Hernando 2020
P. 4

4 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
        WEEKI WACHEE                         founded in 1947 by Newton           supplying oxygen from an air         park was being administered.

        continued from page 3                Perry, a U.S. Navy veteran          compressor, rather than from         Buccaneer Bay (water park)
                                             who had trained SEALS to            a tank strapped onto the back.       was letting sand filter into the
        affectionately be the ‘City of       swim underwater in World            With the air hose, humans            river, and a private company
        Live Mermaids’ to everyone,”         War II. He thought Weeki            could give the appearance            was launching too many rental

        he said.                             Wachee springs would be a           of thriving twenty feet              kayaks from the headwaters,
                                             good site for a new business.       underwater with no breathing         creating overuse,” said Mason.
        The City of Weeki Wachee                                                 apparatus.                           “But since the city can’t
        was incorporated in 1966,            At the time, U.S. 19 was a                                               regulate the state, the city
        mainly to put the name of the        small two-lane road. All the        He built an 18-seat theater into     had no legal authority to do

        famous attraction on signs and       other roads in the area were        the limestone, submerged six         anything.”
        maps. Only one square mile in        dirt; there were no gas stations,   feet below the surface of the
        size, the city included 13 land      no groceries, and no movie          spring, so viewers could look        Complaints from county

        parcels, including the park,         theaters. More alligators and       right into its natural beauty.       residents came to Ingoglia’s
        a hotel, several stores, and a       black bears lived in the area       He recruited young women             attention. He and the two other
        shopping center at the corner        than humans. Those humans           and trained them to swim with  members of the “Hernando
        of highways 19 and 50. At its        tended to use the spring as a       air hoses, do aquatic ballet,        County Commission,” Rep.
        dissolution, Weeki Wachee            dumping ground rather than a        and smile at the same time.          Ralph Massullo (R-Lecanto),

        had a population of 12, mostly       beautiful natural resource.         Mermaids were born. He put           and Sen. Wilton Simpson
        people who work at the park          Perry cleared the spring            a sign out on U.S. 19: WEEKI  (R-Trilby), put forth a bill to
        and have cabins nearby. Its          of rusted refrigerators             WACHEE.                              dissolve the city.

        three-member city council,           and abandoned cars and              “For a long while it was             “Remember, this city has only
        including the mayor, earned          invented a method of                literally the only tourist           about 10 people in it,” he said.
        $10 per month.                       breathing underwater from           attraction in the county,” said      “It was effectively bankrupt,

        Weeki Wachee park was                a free-flowing air hose             Mason.                               had not held proper elections,
                                                                                                                      and there were possible
                                                                                 The park flourished in the
                                                                                                                      conflicts of interest because
            S SENIOR ENIOR VOICEOICE                                             ‘50s and ‘60s and, when the          the elected officials were also
                                                                                 city was incorporated, more
                                                                                                                      employees of the state park.”
                                                                                 signage and maps pointed
                                                                                                                      For the residents and
                                                                                 the way to the City of Live

                                            Mermaids. Movies, and TV             businesses in and around the
                                                                                 shows and ads were filmed
                                                                                                                      former city, confusion reigned.
           The Senior Voice in Hernando County is a monthly   Here are just a few of the many many
         community newspaper targeted toward adults 55 & older.     locations to pick up a Senior Voice.  there. Elvis shot a movie there.  Would the park close? What
                                                                                                                      about the mermaids? Could
                                                 Walmart on Spring Hill Dr.      When Interstate 75 opened            they still use Weeki Wachee as

              Locally owned & operated.                                          in Florida in 1968, the park’s
         Publishers – Jim and DonnaVavala        Walmart on US 19 in Spring Hill  fortunes started to wane. In        their address?
         Editor – Megan Carella                  The YMCA on Mariner             later years, the city fought to      The dissolution will not affect

         Graphic Design – Jake VanHook                                           stop the spring from being           them negatively, said Ingoglia.
                                                                                 spoiled by runoff from the
         Advertising Coordinators - Jim Dean, Betty Dean  Doc’s Diner on Cortez & Mariner  fertilization and irrigation of   “It removes a layer of

         Sales- Shelley Ketchum, Lisa Nash       Walgreens at Glen Lakes         the growing county’s lawns.          government and taxation for
                                                                                                                      which the businesses where
         Distribution - Jennifer Jernigan                                        In 2008, city leaders worked         not getting any benefit.
                                                 Publix in Brooksville on Cortez  with then state Attorney            Otherwise it will have

         To advertise or get information: call   Main Street Eatery downtown     General Bill McCollum, of            no effect,” he said. “The

         352-277-6309                            Brooksville                     Brooksville, to have Weeki           surrounding areas, specifically

                                                                                                                      in zip codes 34613 and 34614
                                                                                 Wachee Springs Park brought
          To submit photos or articles send to – P.O. Box 15622 Brooksville, FL. 34604 Or email to –  into the state park system.   will still have the Weeki
         Reproduction of any part of the Senior Voice in Hernando County without written permission   “That ended up with some   Wachee postal address.”

               from Publisher is prohibited. Copyright @ 2020 by Lynn Haven Ledger LLC.  folks unhappy with how the          Continued on page 5
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