Page 6 - July Hernando 2020
P. 6

6 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

                      Senior Voice                                                          T he  E ff e c t s  o f

            News Publications                                                             C o r o nav ir us  o n

                 To advertise, please contact:                                                B ullio n C o ins

                      Shelley Ketchum                                                                                 emergency.

                            813-334-9493                                                                              I have, through the years,
                                                                                                                      given my grandchildren Gold

                                                                                and Silver for birthdays and
                                                                                                                      Christmas. Saying and feeling
                                                                                                                      that, in their lifetime, they
                            James Dean                                                                                would be using it as currency.

                                                                                                                      I was thinking 30 years in the
                            352-503-2195                                                                              future. Now, I’m not so sure

                                                                                                                      considering what is happening

                              Jim Vavala                                         By Guy Ventre                        in the world right now-- or even
                                                                                                                      just in the U.S.-- in the last few

                            352-277-6309                                          People discovered early in          months. Gold backed or Gold
                                                                                                                      reserve currency may be a lot
                                                                                 March that they couldn’t turn
                                                in their paper holdings ETF’s        closer.
                                                                                 for physical metal, Gold Silver
                                                                                 bullion. I have known for years      Just a Quick history
                Over 50,000 copies distributed                                   that when you bought a paper         lesson:

                        every month in Citrus                                    contract ETF, for an example, 1      The Roman Empire was

                      and Hernando Counties!                                     thousand ounce silver or gold,       ravaged, in the 2nd century
                                                                                 you did not buy the physical
                                                                                                                      A.D., by the plague known
                  Your Pathway to                                                metal. Only about 8 to 12            as “Antoine Plague.” This
                                                                                 percent of the population invests
               the Senior Market!                                                in bullion, but those investors      was the time of Roman ruler,
                                                                                                                      Marcus Aurelius, and his son,
                                                                                 did not have bullion in physical
                                                                                 form, i.e., coins, bars, etc.        Commodus. Records show 2,000
                                                                                                                      people a day died in Rome itself,
                                                                                 In March, the rush/ panic was on  with as many as 4 to 5 million
                                                                                 the price of silver eagle bullion,   total dead in the Roman Empire.
                                                                                 which rose from $2 over spot         This pandemic, in part, came
                                                                                 to as much as $10 over spot.         from China.
                                                                                 Physical Gold went to $100
                                                                                 to 150 over spot price. Panic        Another plague that changed

                                                                                 buying and fear have driven the      history hit Constantinople in the
                                                                                 market higher. Bank of America       6th century just as Justin had
                                                                                 actually came out with a report      amassed an army of 250,000
                                                                                 stating that Physical Gold would     warriors to march on Rome.
                                                                                 hit $3,000 by the end of the year.   Rome had been in the hands of
                                                                                                                      nomad tribes and the barbarian
                                                                                 I believe everyone should own        army of Gaul (France) and
                                                                                 some gold or silver coins.           German since 475 A.D.  The
                                                                                 History has taught us that “you      plague of Justinian, as history
                                                                                 never know” when the days            knows it, killed half his army.

                                                                                 of gold at $1,400 an ounce           Not saving Rome was the
                                                                                 and silver at $14 are gone. A        beginning of the Dark Ages.
                                                                                 higher percentage of people will  This plague may have come
                                                                                 keep Gold and Silver coins or
                                                                                 bars just in case of inflation or           Continued on page 8
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