Page 10 - July Hernando 2020
P. 10

10 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

             A collection of dumb moves by boneheads in Hernando County last month

            ne 1
        June 1                               and attempted to filch a            a rifle in a wooded area near        An adult son got into an
                                             package lying there while                                                argument with his mother
        A man got angry at his                                                   her home, a woman grabbed
        neighbors at a local                 he watched. When the                her dogs and went looking            over her refusal to give
        campground that were                 homeowner objected, this nut        for the culprit. When she            him money. During the

        celebrating a birthday by            threatened him with a knife.        found him, he reacted by             argument, he bit her on the
        shooting off some fireworks.         Undaunted, the victim ran           pointing his rifle at her and        hand. Authorities were called
        When they disregarded his            to his car, grabbed his gun,        threatening to shoot her and         and the son was arrested.

        screamed request to knock            pointed it at him and told him      her dogs. This babe in the           Remember: don’t bite the
        it off, the man went to his          to leave. The would-be thief        woods wisely chose to get            hand that feeds you.

        camp site, got a gun and             took his advice, but deputies       the hell out of there. Law
        revisited the neighbors              located him a short time later      enforcement is investigating.
        intending to create his own          and arrested him. Here’s                                                 During an argument over

        fireworks display. But after         some advice for both of                                                  money, a woman hurled
        hearing the celebrants call          them: the owner should have         A deputy was conducting an           a metal frying pan at her
        law enforcement, he quickly          picked up the dang package          interview when the suspect           husband striking him in the

        assumed a social distance            when it was delivered, and          suddenly pulled away and             arm and making him eat his
        stance and ran home                  the would-be thief should not       started running. The hapless         words.
                                             have been stupid enough to          hightailer ran across a              J u ne 1   5
                                                                                                                      June 15
                                             attempt to steal it while the       parking lot and down a slope

        Two women got into an                owner was watching.                 where he lost his footing            A house that is owned by
        argument that turned                                                     and fell face first onto the         a trust was found to be

        physical. One ran into some                                              pavement. He was promptly            occupied by an unknown
        nearby woods to evade                A couple received a                 arrested. You might say the          woman and her four pit
        deputies but couldn’t resist         phone call from someone             victim lost face. Then, again,       bulls. She claimed to have

        charging the other woman             impersonating a deputy              you might not…                       a rental agreement but was
        before being stopped by law          stating that one of them            J u ne 2                             unable to provide it, so
                                                                                 June 2
        enforcement. It was a matter         had an active warrant for                                                she was arrested. The dogs
        over mind situation…                 failing to show up for jury         A man reported that an               were removed by Animal
                                             duty. The caller demanded           unknown individual broke             Enforcement, and she was
                                             that the victim pay money           a bathroom window to                 removed by brute force.

        Deputies responded to a local        immediately to clear up the         gain entrance to his home.
        motel after management               matter. The caller next sent        Nothing was reported stolen

        call about a man acting              him a test message with a           from the residence. The news         A man was sleeping with
        irrationally. When they              copy of the fake warrant.           was shattering and a pane to         a loaded gun in his hand.
        arrived, the lunatic leaned          Undaunted, the victim called        the homeowner.                       When he awoke, he decided

        out of a second story window         law enforcement, explained                                               to put it away. When placing
        and made obscene gestures at         what happened and asked if                                               the gun on safety, he decided

        them. Deputies fingered him          this was legit. It was bogus,       Deputies spotted a golf cart         to pull the trigger ensure the
        for possessing illegal drugs.        and the chowder head who            traveling down a main road,          safety was working. We think
                                             made the call is being sought.      but somehow were unable              you know where this item is
                                             He made a bad call…                 to catch up with the driver.         headed. Sure enough, the gun

        A man was working in his                                                 Fore!                                discharged. The bullet hit
        yard when some cretin                                                                                         the man in the finger for not

        walked up to his front gate          When someone started firing                                              using his brain.
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