Page 13 - July Hernando 2020
P. 13

Health Connections                                                                         Senior Voice of Hernando County - JULY 2020 • 13
                                                                                                     Senior Voice of Hernando County • JULY 2020 • 13

        BE PREPARED                                      • Shelter at Home – It’s a good                   shelter. To minimize COVID-19

        continued from page 12                             option to consider if your home is              infection, different shelters may be
                                                           structurally sound, built after 2002,           opened than you are accustomed to.

        • Evacuating – Unnecessary                         and is not in an evacuation or flood            Social distancing reduces the number
          evacuation can overcrowd shelters                zone                                            of people in each shelter and that
          and jam traffic. Sign up for emergency         • Shelter At Home – Staying with                  means more shelters must be opened.
          updates from Alert Hernando at                   family and friends may be a better              You’ll be asked to wear a face mask,
                                option, if it is safe to do so                  maintain six feet of distance, and

        • Know Your Zone – Check your                    • Plan Ahead -- If evacuating is your             move around as little as possible.
          evacuation zone with the County Map              best option, stay as close to home as         • What to Expect at a Public Shelter
          at                                     possible and call ahead to hotels and           – Everyone who enters a public

        • Know your Home – The year it was                 motels and make sure they allow pets            shelter is screened for COVID-19,
          built, type of structure, type of roof,        • Find A Public Shelter – As a last               their temperature is taken, and they
          and upgrades.                                    option, consider staying at a public            are asked a series of questions each
                                                                                                           day. Bring at least two face masks
                                                                                                           and wear one all the time. Also, bring
                                                                                                           hand sanitizer and wipes, and use
                                                                                                           them several times a day. High touch
                                                                                                           surfaces are cleaned frequently to
                                                                                                           prevent outbreaks of illness.

                                                                                                         • Involve Children -- Children feel
                                                                                                           more secure when they understand

                                                                                                           risks and the ways to stay safe.
                                                                                                           Emergency preparedness is a great
                                                                                                           way to teach and learn together. The
                                                                                                           CDC offers a great resource: Ready
                                                                                                           Wrigley (link below).
                            Senior living, your way.                                                     • Plan for Pets – If you evacuate, call

                                                                                                           ahead to hotels and motels to make
               The Residence at Timber Pines is a unique and exceptional senior living community that has been part the
               Spring Hill community for 20 years. Situated on beautifully manicured grounds, the community serves a   sure they allow pets, or board your
               wide range of lifestyle preferences and continuing care needs. The Residence at Timber Pines offers luxury   pet at a kennel or veterinarian. Keep
               apartment homes for independent living as well as assisted living, and three memory care neighborhoods.   pets up to date on vaccinations and
               Residents are able to remain in their apartment and receive services and support, as needed, to maintain   licenses, pack food, medicine, bowls, a
               their independence and well-being.
                                                                                                           crate, leash and collar, and toys.
               The Residence at Timber Pines embraces the dreams of residents and help them lead a purposeful life by
               providing a healthy aging lifestyle, hospitality services and amenities, intergenerational programming and   Resources
               personalized care services. As an award-winning community, The Residence at Timber Pines continues to
               demonstrate their commitment to improving the quality of care for their residents.        ReadyKit -- http://hernando.
                         Received 2019 Bronze –           Voted best             Awarded 2019-2020 Gold
                         Commitment to Quality            Assisted Living        Level Montessori Inspired   pages.pdf
                         Award by the American            Facility 2018 and      Lifestyle® Credentialed
                         Health Care Association          2019 Hernando          Community from the
                         and National Center for          Sun Readers’           Center for Applied      Alert Hernando –
                 2019  BRONZE  Assisted Living            Choice Awards          Research in Dementia

                                   Call us at 352-683-9009 for more information!                         County Map --

                                                                                                         Ready Wrigley --
                          3140 Forest Road, Spring Hill, FL 34606  |  352-683-9009  |

                                                  ALF License #: AL9870
                                                                                                                 Continued on page 14
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