Page 16 - July Hernando 2020
P. 16

16 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County                                                                 Health Connections
         16 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

                        Happy Fourth of July

        By Ted Sobolewski,                   Today, restaurants, gyms,           For those individuals who            are available to you. We do

        Accent Insurance                     and churches are opening,           are receiving Medicare or            not charge a fee to review
        Group                                and many people are wearing         will be soon, we specialize          these with you. Our office
                                             masks, using hand sanitizer,        in reviewing the Medicare            is wiped down daily and if
        There are, I’m sure, many            and maintaining safe distance       options available to you. As a  you wish we can all wear

        ways to celebrate the 4th            protocols. We will only get         Broker Agency, we represent  masks to answer any of your
        of July, parades, fireworks,         back to “normal” when we            all the Medicare options that               Continued on page 21
        family get togethers, baseball       all get back to doing things

        games, barbecues, boat               we used to do.
        outings, picnics, the most
        important thing about the            Our office is on Commercial

        4th of July we all need to           Way north of the SunTrust
        remember was it was for              Bank and south of the ABC
        “Our Freedom”. The freedom           Liquor store. Our agents can

        we have today, many fought           meet you there or we will
        and gave their lives for and         come to your home to discuss

        we need not to forget this. Be       your insurance questions.
        sure to take a few minutes to                       Greater

        think about what the 4th, our                        Hope







        Independence Day, means to                          Church
        you.                                                 (352) 610-9678

                                                1421 Kass Circle, Springhill

        I know the Coronavirus is all
        we hear about today. Many                 We welcome you to
        have lost family and friends              our Sunday service
        to this terrible virus and                 9:30 am to 11 am

        we certainly pray for their             Sunday free food giveaway
                                                          At 3 pm
        families and friends. I hope            Monday bible study
                                                         At 10 am
        that we are on the backside             Tuesday prayer hour
        of this and hope a vaccine                       At 11 am
        is just months away so that             Wednesday food kitchen
        everyone will feel safe again                     At 4 pm
        to get back to their lifestyles.
                                                                                   We’re Online at
                                                                                    Senior Voice new website.
                                                                                    Check it out.
                                                                                    New updates weekly.
                                                                                    See you there.
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