Page 21 - July Hernando 2020
P. 21

Senior Voice of Hernando County • JULY 2020 • 21
        INSURANCE                            looking for growth in their         CRUISING                             mhammond33@tampabay.

        continued from page 16               investment but also safety          continued from page 18      and I will give you
                                             in knowing their principle is                                            my thoughts on things
        questions.                                                               things open up once more.
                                             safe in a downward market.                                               that have occurred in the

        At Accent we offer Medicare          Additional insurance                If there is anything about           cruise industry since my
        options, but we also offer           products that we can help           cruising that you would              first voyage in 1949.  There

        numerous life insurance              you with include, cancer            like to ask, please drop me          have been lots of changes
        options as well. In addition,        plans, critical illness, health     an email at  HYPERLINK               since that long past time.
        Long-Term Care insurance             (Obamacare) insurance,              “mailto:mhammond33@                  Comments or suggestions
                                                                                                                      for my column will be most
        is one of the most under-            accident plans, dental plans,”                     appreciated.
        discussed insurance products.        and more. Just give us a call
        Although cost can get higher         at 352-666-7373 to set up a

        as we get older, it basically        time and an agent can meet               HELP WANTED
        protects your estate and gives       you at our office or at your

        you control should a Long-           home. Questions can be                     Telephone Advertising Sales
        Term Care situation arise.           asked over the phone as well,                            Representative
        Investments in Annuities             so don’t hesitate to call us.

        is another product we offer                                                          Senior Voice Newspapers
        to individuals who are               Happy Fourth of July!                            Work 10 – 12 hours per week from home.

               Peach Crisp with                                                     Right now, businesses are in dire need of getting the

                                                                                    word out to the public that they are open for business
          Maple Cream Sauce                                                         after being on shutdown.

        • Level: Easy, • Total: 1 hr 10 min, • Prep: 25 min ,• Cook: 45 min ,• Yield: 6 servings  The Senior Voice can give these businesses exactly

        Ingredients                                                                 what they need. Our advertising rates are very
        1 cup all-purpose flour                                                     affordable for even the smallest of businesses.

        1/2 cup light brown sugar, firmly                                           We need you to call these businesses to let them
        packed                                                                      know that we can help them get customers back in
        1/2 cup granulated sugar                                                    their doors.

        1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon                                                Must be good at sales over the phone.

        1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
        1/4 teaspoon salt                                                           This is a great way to earn extra money working from
        1 stick (8 tablespoons) unsalted butter

        5 to 6 whole fresh peaches (best when not overly ripe or soft),             Call Jim Vavala at 352-277-6309 to discuss details.
        peeled, cut in half and pit removed (about 1 3/4 pounds)

        1/2 a lemon                                                              syrup to the peaches and stir well. Pour the peach mixture into
        7 tablespoons real maple syrup                                           a small pan (8 or 9-inch square) and cover evenly with the

        1 1/2 cups heavy cream                                                   crumb topping. Cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes. Re-

        3 tablespoons light corn syrup                                           move the foil and bake until crisp and brown on top, an addi-
                                                                                 tional 20 to 30 minutes. For the maple cream sauce, pour the
        Directions                                                               heavy cream into a saucepan. Add the remaining 5 tablespoons
        1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a medium bowl, mix              maple syrup and corn syrup and stir over moderate heat until
        the flour, brown sugar, granulated sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg               thickened and reduced by about one-third, about 15 minutes.
        and salt using a fork or pastry cutter. Cut the butter into small        Refrigerate the sauce until it is cold and thick. Or, if you’re
        pieces and gradually add to flour mixture until evenly mixed.            in a hurry, set the saucepan into a small bowl of ice (the ice

        Slice the peaches 1/2-inch thick into a bowl. Add the zest from  will melt and turn into ice water). Stirring your mixture, it will
        the lemon half. Squeeze juice from the lemon half and stir in            cool and thicken in about 15 minutes. Drizzle the maple cream
        with the peaches and zest. Add 2 tablespoons of the maple                sauce over the peach crisp. Serve warm.
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