Page 18 - July Hernando 2020
P. 18
18 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Still No Joy on the Cruising Horizon
The best news was that one from ports in Australia and The luxury line, Seabourn,
Royal Caribbean ship was New Zealand that do not hopes to sail its five small
granted landing rights in dock at any U.S. port during ships starting in October
Barbados but was required to the voyage. or November. Another big
use charter airplanes to send Princess and Holland disappointment came to
many of their non-essential America have cancelled Richard Branson when the
crew members home at last. most of their sailings well inaugural sailing of the first
The understanding was that into fall. Both cancelled all of his new Virgin Voyages
all debarking personnel cruises in Europe, Alaska, cruise line ships, the Scarlet
would be moved directly New England, and Canada Lady, was to take place this
from Harmony of the Seas spring. That was cancelled
By Margaret Hammond to the airport where the areas for the rest of the year. along with all other cruises
charter planes were waiting. Princess has also cancelled around the world. He owns
We are still waiting The Harmony had gathered all their Caribbean cruises Virgin America and Virgin
hopefully for the JOY crew members from several through November 4, 2020. Australia airlines as well, but
to return to cruising, but other ships of their line from They plan to have their New no one is flying either. Good
currently there are only various ports around the Zealand and Australian thing he appears to have
more cancellations on the world. voyages operating by late enough cash on hand till
horizon. Guessing when September 2020. Continued on page 21
the COVID-19 pandemic As of June 19, the Cruise
will finally cease is anyone’s Lines International
choice. The various cruise Association (CLIA)
lines keep hoping it will go announced a voluntary
away soon and allow them to cancellation of all sailings
get back to business as usual. from U.S. ports until
All the cruise ships are September 15, 2020. The
currently floating at various official CDC date has not yet
points around the globe with been changed from July 24,
essential crew members 2020 but should come about
stuck on board to keep soon considering the major
the necessary machinery cruise lines have already
running. extended their date. There
is still a question of sailings
The Senior Voice
Expires 07/31/20