Page 15 - July Hernando 2020
P. 15

This is where the Senior Voice
                                                                                                     Senior Voice of Hernando County • JULY 2020 • 15
         Health Connections                                                         Citrus edition is distributed.
                                                                                                    Senior Voice of Hernando County - JULY 2020 • 15
                  The Year of Understanding

                                                                                                                   Citrus Springs
                                                                                                                   Citrus Springs
         M     i n  d  Sh    i f t           Sometimes truly                     in some small way makes us           Download a 4-minute audio
                                             understanding another
                                                                                                                      of this exercise here: www.
         On Demand                           person’s perspective requires       a part of the solution and not      Beverly Hills Hernando
                                                                                                                     Beverly Hills
                                                                                 a part of the problem.
                                                                                                          Crystal River
                                                                                                          Crystal River
                                                                                                                        Citrus Hills
                                             a change in our thinking. I am                                             Citrus Hills
                           By Donna          neither a black American, nor       ACTION PLAN: Use                   Lecanto     Inverness
                                                                                                                      Stay safe, stay strong,
                           Blevins,          have I suffered the outrage         my signature MindShift               and let’s open our hearts.
                           PhD,              that George Floyd’s family          Exercise™ “Hmm...Isn’t               Together, we can heal, as long
                                                                                                                                   Floral City
                                                                                                                      as we are willing to change
                           and Daniel        has had to endure.                  That Interesting” to help        Sugarmill        Floral City
                           Melbourne                                             you shift your mindset and           our minds.
                                             Yet, I have experienced             change your perspective.
                                                                                     Reaching over 28,000 seniors each
                                             profiling and been judged           Practice seeing the country          Mindshift coach Donna
        Halfway through the year,            because of my physical              as though you were black.            Blevins, PhD, and her
                                                                                                     and every month.
        2020 is destined to go down          presence and who I appeared         Listen to the news, and              Right Hand, Daniel
        in history as one of trial,          to be. As a 6’5” women in           the politicians, as though           Melbourne, intend to
                                                                                               Call now for advertising
        challenge, and heartache.            the 1970s while attempting          you were black. Note how             share the MindShifting™
        It would be foolish for us           to succeed as an actor in           that makes you feel. Once            methods worldwide. Join
                                                                                            information. 352-419-6994
        to avoid addressing what’s           Hollywood, people often             you feel that, reach out to          the waitlist for LIVE online
        unfolding in cities across           approached me asking where          some community organizers            classes by texting 352-464-
        America.                             I had “had it done.” I was          and see how you can help.            1958 or emailing: Donna@
                                             confused. They assumed I had                                   
        In recognizing the pain              had a sex-change operation
        and anger of the black               because I was too tall to be
        community, we can truly              a woman. On an emotional
        begin to understand, and in          level, I was devastated. I felt       This is where the Senior Voice
        understanding, we can begin          less than.                            Hernando edition is distributed.
        healing. Regardless of color,
        I wish we all understood. An         In order to begin to
        unarmed black man dying in           understand someone else’s
        police custody is an outrage.        perspective, we need a
                                             MindShift. We need to put
        As a result, protests have           ourselves, so far as we can,
        sprung up all around the             in the other person’s shoes.
                                                                                              Pine Island
        country. These protests              Try to see the world how                         Pine Island           Brooksville
        have been peaceful (for the          they see it, hear the world                           W eeki W achee
                                                                                                   Weeki Wachee
        most part), multiracial, and         how they hear it, and begin                      Hernando   Spring Hill      Spring Lake
                                                                                                                          Spring Lake
                                                                                                       Spring Hill
        powerful.                                                                              Beach
                                             to understand how it feels for                                   Masaryktown
        Sadly, there is a small              them.
        criminal element intent              This is a simple first step
        on hijacking the peaceful            that is necessary to reach              Reaching over 30,000 seniors each
        protests for their own               understanding. We can never
        ends. Let’s recognize the            truly know what it is like to                           and every month.
        difference, listen to and            experience injustice while

        validate the former, while           feeling like we live in a                         Call now for advertising
        simultaneously identifying           country that isn’t even ours
        and prosecuting the latter.                                                          information. 352-277-6309
                                             anymore, but we must start
        What does any of this have to  listening. By validating. We

        do with MindShifting™ ?              can start by taking action that
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