Page 14 - July Hernando 2020
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14 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County                                                                 Health Connections
         14 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

        BE PREPARED                            snacks, and water                 care. The Shelter provides           •Medically necessary

        continued from page 13               • Blankets, sturdy shoes,           a safe, secure environment           equipment that uses

                                               many changes of clothes           but does not take the place of  electricity
        You Might Be                         • Radio, phones, batteries,         hospitals, assisted living, or       •Recent, but stable cardiac
                                                                                 long-term care facilities.
        Interested to                          chargers and cables                                                    conditions
        Know                                 • First aid supplies, medicine,     The Health Department                •People with diabetes on
                                                                                 manages the Special Needs
        Every state agency is                  prescriptions, and medical        Shelter in coordination              insulin
        responsible for some part of           equipment                         with the School District,            •Feeding tubes
        emergency response and the           • Important documents,              Emergency Management,                •Foley catheter or ostomy
        Department of Health’s role            account numbers, and some         health care providers, home
        is to coordinate health and            cash                              health agencies, hospitals,          •Wound care and dressing
        medical response. The means                                              EMS, law enforcement,                changes
        we plan for emergencies              Special Needs                       medical equipment and                •Alzheimer’s and Dementia

        with Hernando County                 Shelter                             oxygen suppliers, and
        Emergency Management,                When a major emergency or           assisted living and skilled          •Communicable diseases or
        the School District, law             disaster threatens Hernando         nursing facilities.
        enforcement, fire rescue,                                                                                     •People on Dialysis
        health care providers, power         County, residents who               The Special Need                     To Register for Special
        companies, and agencies that         depend on certain medical           Shelter May be                       Needs
                                             care, oxygen, and equipment
        serve residents with extra           may need to seek shelter.           Right for You
        needs.                                                                                                        Call: 352-754-4083
                                             The Special Needs Shelter           Certain conditions & needs
        7 Days of Supplies  provides care to people                              can be met at the shelter:           Fax: 352-754-4090

        For Your ReadyKit                    who have serious medical            •Chronic respiratory                 Click: http://www.
                                             conditions that require                                        
        • Non-perishable food,               observation, assessment, or         conditions requiring oxygen,         specialneeds
                                                                                 nebulizers, and sleep apnea

        Sweaty Face Mask? 5 Tips to Keep Cool While Covered Up

               Staying safe and comfortable as temperatures rise

        by Andy Markowitz,                   Gregory Poland, a physician         check.                               let-blocking impermeability.
        AARP                                 and vaccine researcher at the       1. Choose the right fabric           The “sweet spot,” he says, is
                                             Mayo Clinic. “There’s a rea-                                             a two-layer mask made from
        With health authorities con-         son for that.”                      A light, breathable material         a cotton T-shirt, which comes
        tinuing to urge face-covering                                            like cotton will likely keep         close to matching a surgical
        in public to curb the spread of      Keeping your face covered           your face cooler than medical  mask’s efficiency in stopping
        COVID-19, we’ve become fa-           when venturing outside the          and N95 masks made from              potentially infectious droplets
        miliar with the minor irritants      home remains a crucial weap-        synthetic materials, and in          from coughs and sneezes and
        of wearing masks: chafed             on in the fight against the         the right configuration can be       is about twice as breathable.
        ears, foggy glasses, snapped         coronavirus, recommended            effective in preventing conta-
        straps. The arrival of summer        by the Centers for Disease          gion, according to new re-           All-cotton tested best, but up
        takes the potential discomfort       Control and Prevention              search by Taher Saif, a profes-      to 40 percent polyester will do

        up a notch, trapping sweat and       (CDC) and mandated by               sor of mechanical science and        the job, Saif says. “I’m not a
        heat under our facial sheaths.       some state and local govern-        engineering at the University        cloth expert. I just buy things
                                             ments.                                                                   from Walmart and Target,” he
        “As physicians, when we                                                  of Illinois.                         adds with a laugh. “Our study
        are wearing masks for long           Fortunately, there are ways         Saif’s team tested 10 com-           showed that if you have these
        periods of time, for example         to stay cool or, at least, cool-    mon fabrics, from 100 per-           layers on top of your mouth
        in surgery or during a proce-        er while masked up. Here            cent cotton to polyester and         and nose, you don’t have to
        dure, you’ll notice we keep          are five tips from experts for      silk blends, to see which best       have an official mask where
        the rooms what patients call         more comfortably keeping            balance comfort and drop-

        ‘uncomfortably cold,’” says          your respiratory droplets in                                                    Continued on page 23
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