Page 20 - July Hernando 2020
P. 20
20 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
un & Game
Fun & Games Mumbo Jumbo
What’s a mumbo jumbo you ask? A mumbo jumbo is a list of words/
SUDOKU hints for you to unscramble. You then take designated letters from
each word/hint to come up with the final message that is associated
with each hint you have unscrambled.
What’s a bamboozable you ask? A bamboozable is a saying/phrase
that is made up of a display of words, in an interesting way. The object
is to try to figure out the well-known saying, person, place, or thing
that each bamboozable is meant to represent.
Hink Pinks
What’s a Hink Pink you ask? Hink Pinks are fun rhyming word riddles. The answer to the rid-
dle is a pair of words that rhyme with each other. For example: Large Feline would be Fat Cat.
1. Big pituitary 6. Angry employer
2. Black “Jaws” 7. Argumentative feeling
3. Agricultural 8. An obese vampire
enchantment 9. A twisted penny
4. Athlete stocking 10. Beach front, growl
5. Artificial pond
Phrase Scramble
To be a happy camper, cut up and mixed up and you need to put the phrase blocks in order to create a
What’s a phrase scramble you ask? A phrase scramble is a group of words, all
remember: saying. We use famous quotes and famous lines from famous songs/books etc.
• A tuba placed on your picnic
table will keep campsites on
either side vacant.
• A hot rock placed in your
sleeping bag will keep your feet
warm, but eating a hot enchilada
works just as well and is less Hint: Famous Quote
Answers on page 22