Page 8 - July Hernando 2020
P. 8

8 • JULY 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County

          Still True Today - United We

                       Stand, Div ided We Fall

                                             Fourth of July, the United          judge an entire group, like          terrorist attack from without,
                                             States is the divided states.       all law enforcement officers,        but an implosion from
                                             The birthday of our nation          by the actions of a few? And         forsaking the common values
                                             is a good time to ask “Can          since our Declaration of             that have blessed America
                                             there be unity in America           Independence says we believe  and united us for the last 244
                                             again?” I’m not talking             that “all men are created            years.
                                             about uniformity, just unity.       equal,” could we also agree          One of those common values
                                             I don’t know the answer to          that all lives matter?               is reflected in America’s
                                             that question but I do know         Founding Father Patrick              national motto: “In God
                                             that for unity to happen, what
        By Jerry Waugh                       unites us has to be greater         Henry, once said “United we          We Trust.” It was President

        Pastor of Care                       than what divides us.               stand, divided we fall.” So          Ronald Reagan who said, “If
        Northcliffe Church -                                                     could we also agree on one           we ever forget that we are one

        Spring Hill                          Consider these words from           more thing? If we don’t start        nation under God, then we
                                             one of our former Presidents        finding ways to unite, we            will be a nation gone under.”
        This month, American flags           and see if they seem timely         are in for more trouble than         This Fourth of July, may we
        will fly. Red, white, and blue       for our nation today: “Too          a COVID-19 pandemic or               ask God, who loves all people
        fireworks will light up the          often, we judge other groups        coast-to-coast city violence         of all shapes and sizes and
        sky. Bands will play patriotic       by their worst examples -           could ever bring. What could         colors, to help heal our nation
        songs (six feet apart for social  while judging ourselves by             harm the United States most          that we may again be the

        distancing), as we celebrate         our best intentions. And this       is not another 9/11 kind of          United States of America.
        the 244th birthday of our            has strained our bonds of
        nation! What a privilege it is       understanding and common              COINS                              and the U.S. knowing how
        to live in the land of the free      purpose. To renew our unity,          continued from page 6              contagious and deadly this
        and the home of the brave!           we only need to remember                                                 virus was. China did not tell
                                             our values. We are bound                                                 the rest of world till January
        One of those patriotic songs         by shared commitments to              from the east China.
        we will hear is “America,            common ideals.” (George W.            We have been through four          29th.  To add one more
        the Beautiful.” However, in          Bush)                                 viruses and plagues in the         world crime to another, they

        the last few weeks, America                                                last 18 years-- mostly from        bought up the world supply
        has not been very beautiful.         With that in mind, could we                                              of surgical masks and gloves,
        Tough times can bring out the  agree that racism is always                 China. China may not have          monopolizing items needed
                                                                                   engineered this virus to kill
        best in people. That is what         wrong? Could we agree that            millions worldwide and put         to fight their engineered virus,
        the coronavirus did. We have         racial injustice is always            the world in a depression, but     which was a crime against
        seen people helping people.          wrong? Could we agree that            they quarantined Wuhan and         humanity. This should go to
        We renamed first responders,         protesting is a right, but                                               the world court.
        paramedics, police officers,         rioting, looting, vandalizing,        the cities around its 70 million   Coin Guy was open
        firefighters, doctors and            and burning down businesses                                              throughout this corona

        nurses, “our heroes.” And,           is always wrong?                      In mid-January, China              pandemic with shorter hours.
        perhaps with the exception of        Could we agree that black             cornered the market on             We closed Saturdays for
        toilet paper, neighbors were         lives matter? Shame on any            protective gear and closed         about six weeks. Our store is
        sharing with neighbors.                                                    air travel to other parts of the   now back to a six-day week.
                                             discrimination because of
        But in the blink of an eye, we  the color of a person’s skin.              country, but allowed affluent      I actually opened a web site
                                                                                   Chinese to travel outside
        went from the outbreak of a          Discrimination is wrong.              country. They let them travel      during the pandemic.
        virus that seemed to unite us,       But could we also agree that          all they wanted in Europe          Stay healthy everyone. Stay
        to the outbreak of violence          that blue lives matter? Could                                            safe, God bless America!
        that seemed to divide us. This  we agree that we shouldn’t
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