Page 5 - June Hernando 2020 Senior Voice
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Senior Voice of Hernando County • JUNE 2020 • 5
Creative Teaching Methods at UF/IFAS Extension Are Making an Impact
By Dr. William Lester, surrounding the COVID-19 us/j/526893602. Our class phone calls, emails, and
UF/IFAS Extension crisis have unexpectantly offerings through Zoom have questions through Facebook on
Hernando County pushed these efforts forward in increased, and most are now horticultural topics have been
new and surprisingly positive also shown on Facebook Live, received and answered.
There is nothing new in ways. Here in Hernando where they can be accessed at
using social media to share County, Extension has begun any time. These online learning After viewing an online class
information or inform the combining new technologies opportunities have been very on how to grow a successful
public about your services. with the reach of social media well received and we have herb garden, Cassie Coleman
In fact, any business or to educate residents on a seen a steady increase in live commented via Facebook
organization that does not have wide variety of topics and to attendance and later viewing. Live:
a strong social media presence diagnose lawn and garden “This has been incredibly
is essentially irrelevant. Online problems. Since the beginning of this informational and exactly what
teaching also is not a new recent crisis, 21 classes on I needed to hear! Thank you,
phenomenon. The University We now offer a weekly Virtual topics ranging from preventing Dr. Lester. These are the type
of Florida/IFAS Extension Plant Clinic on Zoom where plant diseases in the landscape, of things we need to make it
office in Hernando County has residents can ask all their to how to provide your family through this hard time.”
been moving in the direction lawn and garden questions with fresh home-produced
of offering more educational and receive answers and food have been offered online. You can still contact our office
opportunities online for advice in real time. The These free classes were with any questions you may
several years. Recent events Zoom link is https://ufl.zoom. shared with more than 600 have at 352-754-4433, Monday
residents through Zoom, and thru Friday, from 8 a.m.-5
an additional 150 residents p.m. Many lawn and garden
Transit Services (TheBus) to simultaneously through questions can be answered
resume regular service and Facebook Live. After the from a phone call, email or
classes were held anyone
just a good, clear picture of the
reactivate fare collection interested could watch a video problem. Our Master Gardener
of the class stored on our
nursery is currently closed, but
office’s Facebook page, with we are hoping to re-open soon.
Hernando County Transit Services (TheBus) will resume more than 5,500 people taking Until then stay safe, tune in to
regular service hours and reactivate fare collection on all fixed advantage. In addition to class our online classes and ask us
routes and demand response service beginning June 1, 2020. attendees, several hundred lots of questions!
The health and safety of our customers and staff are very
important to us. TheBus will continue to disinfect and sanitize
Rita R
udner Humor
its vehicles daily to help reduce the spread of disease. It is Rita Rudner Humor
recommended that customers practice the following Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines while • Men are brave enough to go to war, but they are not
riding on TheBus: brave enough to get a bikini wax.
- Limit use of public transportation to essential trips only
• It’s so great to find that one special person you want to
- Select essential destinations close to your home annoy for the rest of your life.
- Keep your distance from riders you did not arrive with • Men will cook if danger is involved.
(6-feet apart)
• When a woman tries on clothing from her closet that
- Do not ride TheBus if you are sick feels tight, she will assume she has gained weight;
- Cough into a tissue or inside of your elbow when a man tries something from his closet that feels
tight, he will assume the clothing has shrunk.
- Wear a mask when riding the bus to help reduce the
spread of disease to other riders • The word ‘aerobics’ came about when the gym
instructors got together and said: if we’re going to
Any future changes to service and service updates will be charge $10 an hour, we can’t call it “jumping up and
posted on all buses themselves and at down.”