Page 8 - June Hernando 2020 Senior Voice
P. 8
8 • JUNE 2020 - Senior Voice of Hernando County
Happy Father ’s Day, Dad!
fathers a gift, I would like to given me is the gift of not loves me, cares for me, and
share with you some of the giving up. Call it what you has a purpose for my life.
“gifts” my father has given want - persistence, persever- He also taught me about sin,
me. It’s called “leaving a lega- ance, tenacity, or diligence consequences, and the need
cy.” And it should prompt us - my dad had it! With a front to have a right heart with God
to ask, “What is the legacy I row seat, I watched my dad and others. He taught me the
am leaving for my children face and walk through most real reason for the holidays
and grandchildren?” of life’s trials and tribulations. of Christmas (Jesus coming
He would say that it was God into our world to be our Sav-
By Jerry Waugh One gift my father has giv- who got him through every- ior) and Easter (Jesus dying
Pastor of Care and en me is the gift of time. He thing he had gone through, for our sins and rising again
Counseling taught me that we make time and I would agree. But dad to show He is the Savior). So
Northcliffe Church - for the things that matter modeled for me and my broth- it won’t surprise you when
Spring Hill most. My dad wasn’t able to ers and sister “not giving up I say that I have taught my
be at every basketball game,
Many people will be cel- baseball game, or track meet I one day at a time.” The reason four children and my five
grandchildren about that same
I have stickability toughness
ebrating Father’s Day this had, but he tried to be at most today, with whatever I do or Heavenly Father.
month. Dad typically might of them. I have an unforget- face in life, is from watching
get a bottle of cologne, a new table memory of making a my dad receive the rewards So to our readers who are
necktie, or a classic Hallmark foul shot in a school basket- that come to those who do not fathers, I wish you a happy
card. But this year, with quar- ball game and turning to the give up. and healthy (wash your hands,
antines, social distancing, and stands to smile at my dad. My cover your cough, show your
some stores shut down, we dad has made me a better dad One other gift my father has love to your loved ones by
may have to pivot to a phone and a better grandpa because given me is the gift of faith staying six feet away from
call or, if dad is tech savvy, like him, I want to give the in God. My earthly father them) Father’s Day! May you
Father’s Day Facetime! gift of time to my kids and taught me about my Heaven- be blessed by the gifts you
grandkids. ly Father. He taught me that receive as well as the gifts
Although Father’s Day is there is a God in Heaven who you give.
generally when we give our Another gift my father has