Page 3 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
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Welcome to the 2022 Gardening Season!
Color Inspiration Garden Coach
We’ve put together a collection of articles to
help you get the most out of the season, Pantone’s Color of the Year - Very Peri
whether it be in your garden, your yard or
on the road with your fur friends. We hope As the spring trees bring all their beautiful
that you’ll find plenty of inspiration on the color to our gardens it’s time to embrace color
following pages, and that you’ll come see us itself. The Pantone Color Institute has chosen
in Orleans, South Dennis or Chatham to find “very peri” as the color of the year for 2022.
even more. Thanks for continuing to shop Executive director, Leatrice Eiseman describes
local with us! the color as displaying a “spritely, joyous attitude
and dynamic presence that encourages
Josh Wile & Jess Thomas courageous creativity and imaginative
Co-owners, Agway of Cape Cod expressions.” Indeed, it does!
It is always helpful in understanding the
placement of hot and cool colors in the palette
of our flower gardens, but it’s also helpful to
remember there are no rules! I always ask clients
Watch for the Garden Coach stamp for what their favorite colors are because in the
Garden Coach articles written by Priscilla Husband, our end what brings us joy should be our focus
when we garden.
Find her in: resident garden inspiration expert!
Chatham Wednesdays, Dennis Thursdays & Orleans Saturdays 11am - 4pm Every color is an opportunity to contrast it with
another, and so when Pantone announced that
TABLE OF periwinkle was the color of the year I began
thinking of complimentary colors to it. Susan
CONTENTS Wile, second generation owner of Agway of
Cape Cod and now lovingly referred to as
Agway Mom, describes this color as a “dramatic
intense blue-violet, appearing in some of our
favorite hydrangeas and tropical plumbagos.
Green foliage accents this color perfectly.”
2 Color Inspiration
New shades of colors are created every year to
3 Why Natives? inspire us. If you’ve ever spent time in a paint
store, you know that color is more than it seems.
5 Water Wisely 3 This summer as we choose new plantings for
our gardens remember color is all around us.
7 Tick Trouble Consider the many shades of plant foliage, the
7 colors of your planters and even the color of
9 Treasures in the Garden your house as you explore combinations. Let’s
shake things up and experiment with the world
12 Pet Food 2022 of color that nature has supplied for us!
13 Road Trip Season “
Veri Peri is a dramatic intense
15 Summer Pet Toys
13 blue-violet, appearing in some of our
17 What is IPM? favorite hydrangeas and tropical plumbagos.
Contributors: Priscilla Husband, Garden Coach; Corinne Yarns, Creative Lead; Matt McCollough, Pet Buyer; Green foliage accents this color perfectly.”
Andrea Baerenwald, Marketing Director; Chad Thomas, Cape Cod Plant Doctor; Krit Whyte, Customer Service Representative; -Susan Wile
Josh Wile, Co-owner; Jess Thomas, Co-owner.
of Cape Cod