Page 6 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
P. 6

Watering Wisely                                          Garden Coach

     In the song “Camelot” describing the utopian kingdom in perfect harmony,
     the rain never fell until after sundown. I am sure that it rained sufficiently in                                                    DRY SHOD AD
     all the gardens there too. Unfortunately for some Cape Cod towns, water                                                                                                               Lawn Envy
     restrictions have begun already begun, with more towns to follow. Gardeners
     know that every passing year has become drier with few exceptions. With
     our planet’s resources diminishing it’s time to not only water more wisely
     but to invest in gardens that require less water.

     This however is not a glass half empty but a glass half pun
     intended! There is much we can do for the sustainability of our beloved
     Cape Cod. Simple things like drip hoses, water timers and rain gauges
     make a huge difference for those of us without watering systems.  And for
     properties that are irrigated it’s time to fix those broken watering heads,
     install rain sensors and check to make sure you’re only watering what
     requires it.

     For all of us, watering deeply and less often is the preferred method–
     creating deeper roots to better manage periods of drought. Investing in
     plant material that once established is “drought tolerant” is an opportunity   Nozzles, timers, sprinklers,
     to plant rock gardens, native gardens and low maintenance gardens. There   wands and so much more!
     is a long list of beautiful trees, shrubs and perennials that don’t require lots
     of water. It is possible to protect the Cape’s water table with simple and   Choose any color of the rainbow.
     sensible changes in our approach to watering without sacrificing the health
     of our gardens. And while we are all conserving water together this summer
     season maybe it will only rain nights with more beach days to enjoy!

                                                                  of Cape Cod
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