Page 5 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
P. 5

introduced to Cape Cod in the 1800s             Bird feeders do not support fledgling babies in the
 Bee Balm
 have adapted over time and now   nests—birds feed caterpillars to their young—and this
 plague our environment. But what is   act is critical to the birds’ survival. Natives will   Things we can do:
 undeniably true is the inability of an   provide a habitat for these butterfly and insect larvae!
 alien to contribute to the health of our
 fragile ecosystem. Plants and animals               Importing alien plants often brings with them   Cut back on grass. Reducing our lawns creates
 have evolved in a complex system of   insects and fungus negatively affecting our native   opportunities to plant more supportive plant material
 symbiotic partnerships over millions   species. Example: Japanese beetle and   and reduces the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizer.
 of years. Natives are the natural   dogwood anthracnose.  Consider letting part of your lawn go to seed or replace
 preferences of insects and birds for
 their young.             Attracting butterflies is fun, but without   with natives. This will support birds and provide refuge
     milkweeds in the landscape, monarchs will disappear.   for small animals.
 Global studies have revealed that certain   There are several species of this wildflower native to
 animal and plant species are vital to the   Massachusetts including the Common Milkweed,   Remove wild invasive species that push out
 health of local ecosystems. These are   Fourleaf Milkweed, Purple Milkweed and more.    natives. Example: bittersweet and autumn olive.
 called Keystone species. A good
 example of a Keystone species on the   All is not lost, there is much we can do! I have over time   Increase your tolerance for insect populations within
 Cape would be our Oak trees. On page   included natives within my gardens. They bring added   your garden space, much of what exists may be beneficial!
 148 of Bringing Nature Home, “The   value in their low maintenance, fragrance and beauty
 value of Oaks for supporting wildlife   too. I have learned how important my property has   Reconsider cutting down a native Oak tree in your yard.
 cannot be overstated.” Oaks offer food   become in the support of migrating insects and birds. I
 for animals, nesting sites for many   encourage everyone to join the interconnectedness of all   Join a local conservation organization we are lucky to
 species of birds and host to many moth   our gardens as we move to a more ecologically balanced   have many on Cape Cod:
 Why Natives  and butterfly species.  and healthy Cape Cod!        The Association to Preserve Cape Cod

                                             Bayberry              The Cape Cod Conservation District
 Garden Coach  “A plant       is considered native if it has occurred naturally          The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc.
                                                                   Your town may have an organization of its own!
 in a particular region, ecosystem, or habitat without
 human introduction.”  -Douglas Tallamy                             Natives in the news: The US Senate has declared April,
 Bringing Nature Home                                                2022 as the inaugural National Native Plant month!

 As I inspect my gardens for signs of   pollinate our gardens. Habitat and native   Echinacea  Come into Agway and ask for Milkweed
 winter damage, I take comfort in   species loss has created a deficit in food
 knowing that I rarely have to worry about   and shelter for our butterflies and bird   varieties, they are plentiful!
 the natives I have worked to incorporate.    populations.  This transformation of
 They are where Mother Nature intended   land has also created large reductions in   Additional Natives We Carry
 them to be so they can usually take care   reptiles, amphibians, and insects. The
 of themselves.  question, Why Plant Natives? Has           Shrubs:       Northern bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica)
 many answers.  “
 Most of us would be surprised to             Native plants have formed                        Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
 discover that our properties are planted   Natives are host plants to our wildlife.                         Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
 with aliens. In the postwar expansion   In the book Bringing Nature Home,   symbiotic relationships with                        Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum-highbush
 into suburbs, Americans moved into   author Douglas Tallamy describes the   native wildlife over thousands              and Vaccinium angustifolium-lowbush)
 houses with land ripe for growing   importance of the relationship between                        Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa)
 gardens. Along with the microwave   insects and natives.  “A plant that has fed   of years, and therefore offer the                           Sweet Pepper Bush (Clethra alnifolia)
 and two car garage came a fascination   nothing has not done its job.”  A garden   most sustainable habitat.”  Grasses:       Northern Sea Oats (Chasmanthium latifolium)
 with new and exotic plant species from   with natives is a garden operating in                         Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium)
 around the world. Large tracts of   balance within an ecosystem. Once we
 “original” places became communities   become aware of this beautiful                         Switch grasses (Panicum virgatum)
 of foreign shrubs and trees.  interaction, we come to see that most   Perennials:  Bee balm (Monarda)
 insects are not our enemy.  What we                                              Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)
 Over time we have come to believe that   plant should be essential to the                         Dense Blazing Star (Liatris spicata)
 our alien plantings are what belong here,   biodiversity of animal habitats here
 unaware of the wholesale replacement   on the Cape and elsewhere.
 of native species. But these alien plant
 species are not the preferred food of   What is defined as native can be   Phlox
 insect populations required to  controversial. Plants that were
                                                                                                                  of Cape Cod
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