Page 10 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
P. 10
Garden Coach Treasures in the Garden Add a twist with your favorite
vodka or vanilla ice cream.
Strawberry Basil Lemonade
I have already cut tender new shoots of chives emerging
from the planter on my deck. The warmer days wake up Featured on (with or without the punch of vodka)
the herb garden with new recipe ideas along with our cover!
memories of our old favorites. I think of herbs as the 1 cup sugar (or more to taste)
supporting cast members of the vegetable garden—for 2 cups sliced strawberries 2 cups water for boiling Mint
every vegetable there is an herb to bring out a flavor. /2 cup chopped basil
1 1 /2 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 5-6 cups seltzer
The history of herbs as medicinal remedies is well (about 12 lemons)
documented and still used today in many of our
medicines. Herbs and spices contributed to vast empires 1. Combine water, lemon juice and sugar, stir until dissolved.
to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 10 minutes,
with the Silk Road between 130 B.C. and the 1450s A.D. 2. Add mixture to strawberries and basil in a sauce pan. Bring
Today we are fortunate to have all kinds of dried herbs or until a thick syrup is formed and strawberries are soft.
available to us, but fresh is best in my book.
4. Combine with seltzer in a pitcher and serve over ice!
Incorporating fresh herbs into our recipes is a quick and 3. Strain and cool.
inexpensive way to enhance the look and taste of even 5. Garnish with fresh strawberries and basil leaves.
the simplest dishes, adding bright color and intensifying
the flavors.
Gardeners always have the best herb recipes–herbs Watermelon can make many of our
make chefs of us all. Krit Whyte from Agway in Orleans favorite drinks feel like summer!
shared with me her professional experience with herbs, Try these ideas in your
reminding me of the option of drying your herbs for the culinary adventures: Classic Mojito
winter or bringing in the woody herbs to be placed near
a sunny window. Herbs are wonderful in winter soups. with a summer twist
“You can refrigerate, freeze and make herb infused oils as Add fresh lemon juice and sprigs of mint or
well,” Krit says. “Experiment, have fun and get creative!” cilantro to your rice just before it’s done.
10 fresh mint leaves 2 tablespoons sugar
(plus more for garnish) or simple syrup
Looking for a healthy snack? Roast a 1 /2 lime, cut into 3 wedges
tablespoon each of whole coriander and 1 Watermelon wedges
cumin. Pound them together and mix over 1 /2 ounces white rum Club soda
garbanzo beans. Add lemon juice and fresh
cilantro–enjoy! 1. Muddle mint leaves and 1 lime wedge.
(This releases the mint oils wonderfully!)
2. Add remaining lime wedges and sugar and continue
Mint and potatoes? Yes please! Before to muddle.
mashing potatoes, add chopped mint. 3. Pour in a glass, fill glass with ice, add rum and club soda.
Continue as normal with butter, olive oil 4. Stir and add mint and watermelon for garnish.
and salt & pepper.
Everyone knows that mint and yogurt go
great together in Tzatziki, but try fresh
chopped mint in your plain greek yogurt,
top with melon and a little bit of granola for
Their fragrance and interesting foliage could be additions Basil which needs continual clipping to flush out the leaves. the perfect summer breakfast!
to other gardens as well. I often include Creeping Thyme in What more can be said of the Basil accompaniment to the Basil
rock gardens, Rosemary or Pineapple Sage can be added to delicious garden tomato! So this summer let’s explore the What’s your favorite way to use your
the fragrant garden while the many scents of Mint can be world of herbs and enjoy all the recipe possibilities! garden herbs in the kitchen? Let us know
found in a children’s garden. Especially Chocolate Mint! and we’ll share on social media!
Using herbs can brighten up your favorite beverages this season, E-mail:
Herbs are very forgiving and easy to grow. Herbs require full here are a few of our favorites. with the subject: culinary herbs.
sun and good drainage and little fuss except for the dead-
heading of the flowers that want to bloom. A good example is
of Cape Cod