Page 9 - Spring Catalog 2022 Final
P. 9

Tick Trouble 2022

 It’s tick season and time to be aware of the potential

 contact we may have with deer ticks.

 The height of tick season is upon us–and knowledge is   hire a specialist to service your property or you can purchase
 power.  The more you know about their habitats and ways   these products on your own.  Tip: Use a hose end sprayer to
 to prevent bites, the more you can protect yourself and your   increase the volume needed for effective coverage. Target
 loved ones.  wooded, leaf litter filled and brushy areas (mentioned above)
 as well as thick ground cover areas (when they are not in
 Tick Habitat  bloom). Natural and organic products are also an option but
 Ticks prefer shady, densely wooded areas. In our yards, this   will likely need more frequent applications to be effective.
 includes wooded areas around the property and areas with leaf
 litter–particularly the transitional areas between lawn   Granular products are also available but must be applied to the
 unmaintained areas around the perimeter.  Keeping your lawn   same areas as the liquid in order to be effective, this may be
 well maintained and mowed will do away with much of the   difficult depending on the product.  Preventing Ticks on Your Pets  For our furry friends
 shelter areas for ticks, but they will still lurk near the perimeter   There are a variety of tick repellents for pets, available in both organic and
 if you live against a wooded area. Groundcover vegetation like   Take extra caution: Regardless of whether a product is labeled   non-organic forms.  Some kill ticks on contact, while others are absorbed into the
 ivy, pachysandra and bearberry can also harbor ticks.  organic, natural or synthetic, do not treat areas near flower,   body and kill them once they attach and begin to feed. Talk with your vet about the
 vegetable, or herb gardens. Do not spray butterfly, pollinator   best choice for your pet.
 What to do?   gardens and water features!
 · Removing leaf piles from under ornamentals in the landscape.  Helpful Products                      natural topicals
 · Create a mulch, wood chip, or a gravel border of at least a   Daily Tick Checks  Jonathan Green
 few feet between the lawn and the wooded edge and leaf litter   Unfortunately, ticks can be nearly impossible to spot. In the   natural scent that kills   Spray the perimeter of your
 filled areas to help keep them further away from the areas   nymph stage, ticks are the size of a pencil dot and can easily be   destructive insects   yard with a hose-end sprayer
                                                       containing an ingredient
 you frequent.  overlooked for a freckle.  Finding a tick on a furry pet is even   quickly, and has strong   that is labeled for killing,   Most vets in our area recommend*
 · Add fencing to prevent deer from wandering into your   tougher. Give your pet a thorough check daily, especially after   repellency to keep   repelling and preventing
 property  being outside in wooded areas.  Look between toes, inside ears,   insects from coming   ticks such as permethrin,
 · Clear rodent habitats such as wood piles and leaf piles  between legs (in the “armpits”), and around the neck where   back. Jonathan Green   and bifenthrin.
 · Use animal repellents to reduce the spread of ticks into your   they often burrow in deep fur.  Organic Insect Control
 yard  will not harm ladybugs,                             Hose-end sprayers
    butterflies or                                         are much easier to
 Additional Tips  earthworms.                              apply the product      * always consult with your veterinarian to determine the
 Treatments  · Treating open sunny areas such as mowed lawns is   appropriately and   best methods to protect your pet from tick-born diseases
 Personal protection:  not necessary.   First Saturday Lime   thoroughly than a
 · DEET is the most effective and longest lasting product to apply  · Ticks do not jump, fly or drop from the trees. They are   uses a strong  formula   hand-trigger sprayer.   Good to
 to the skin. Always READ THE LABEL of pesticides before   typically within a few feet of the ground, waiting to grab   derived from eco-friendly
 using them. Picaridin is another ingredient that works well.  onto hosts as they pass by.   products. It has the ability   have
 · Oil of lemon eucalyptus is another effective more “natural”   · Ticks can be brought into the house by dogs/cats.   to dry out insects, eggs   Cedarcide Tickshield is an   on hand
 product. (technically it’s synthetic plant oil)  · Wear light clothing with long sleeves and pants when out   and larvae by clogging up   extra strength insecticide
 · Botanical products are available but will typically not last as   in the woods to better see a tick and prevent attachment to   the spiracles insects   and repellent made from   Avoid folklore remedies such as “painting”
 long and will have mixed results.  your skin.  use to breathe and   cedarwood essential oil.   the tick with nail polish or petroleum jelly,
 · Permethrin is available in products that can be applied to shoes  · Throw your clothing in the dryer 20 minutes for when   dehydrating them.  Designed for people, pets   or using heat to make the tick detach from
 and clothing to repel ticks and mosquitoes. It is NOT for use on   you come in for the day. This will kill any ticks hiding in   and indoor use.  the skin. Your goal is to remove the tick as
 the skin. There are also some lines of clothing available that are   your clothes.  quickly as possible–not waiting for it to
 pretreated with permethrin. This product works very well and   Reduce the population of wild animals in your yard that host   detach. Studies done on these “folklore
 lasts through many washings.  ticks by applying these natural scent-based repellents around   remedies” have shown that ticks actually
                             the yard perimeter and near areas they may be hiding, such   attach themselves with greater determination
 Yard treatments:            as under a deck or shed or in a rock wall. Ticks can drop off   rather than backing out. Often times, these
 Probably the most effective way to significantly reduce tick   of them while the animals are in your yard and can then be   methods also make the tick vomit into the
 populations on our properties are targeted yard sprays using   picked up by you or a pet. Pro tip: Apply repellents every 7 to   bite site, thereby thereby transferring
                             10 days and rotate the types of products for 4 to 6 weeks to
 an insecticide labeled for tick control. The most effective   really show those critters you mean business!  whatever potential viruses or diseases they
 ingredients to look for are permethrin or bifenthrin. You can                    may be carrying.
                                                                                                                  of Cape Cod
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