Page 33 - Towards better compaction v0.5
P. 33

Towards Better Compaction


               Export inspections

               Export inspections are carried out on behalf of the Australian Government Department of
               Agriculture to test export woodchips for contaminants, pests and diseases.

               Contaminants include sand, soil, metals and plastics while pests and diseases include borers,
               terminates and fungal diseases.  Receiving country requirements determine the requirements for the
               If you find contaminants, you must stop loading immediately.

               Loading contamination

               Loading contamination can occur when the loading operator (or other people) drops items into the
               hold during the loading operations. These items can include hardhats, gloves and goggles. As soon as
               you are aware of any contamination, you must immediately stop loading and follow your site
               requirements. Do not attempt to climb into the hold to remove any contamination.

               Loading contamination can also occur if hold nets or boards dislodge – stop working and report all
               occurrences so ship’s staff can remove them.

               Excessive contamination may result in the customer rejecting the shipment.


                BCET                Burnie Chip Export Terminal

                                    Bone Dry Metric Tonne
                                    E.g. BDMT assumes 0% moisture in a 1000 kg of product.

                FSC                 Forest Stewardship Council

                PPE                 Personal Protective Equipment

                RO-RO               Roll On Roll Off

                SOP                 Standard Operating Procedure

                Tasports            Tasmanian Ports Corporation

                WHS                 Workplace Health and Safety

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