Page 6 - Towards better compaction v0.5
P. 6

Towards Better Compaction

               Processing/Chip mills
               Processing facilities may be located close to the plantation or at a suitable port.

               Port of Burnie (Burnie Chip Export Terminal - BCET)
               Forico provides chips to the BCET from their Surrey Hills Chip Mill. Logs are processed through a
               chipper and then screened to remove excess fines and oversized material to meet customer’s
               specifications. Chips are stockpiled and then transported to the BCET in containerised trucks.
               Forico has a Port Facilities Management Agreement with Tasports to supply the following services:

                   a.  Woodchip receiving/unloading
                   b.  Woodchip stacking
                   c.  Woodchip reclaiming
                   d.  Ship loading services
               Port of Bell Bay

               Two companies operate from the port of Bell Bay:

                   1.  Reliance Forest Fibre Pty Ltd (now known as RFF) has a woodchip mill and storage area at
                       Bell Bay. Woodchips from their stockpile are transported by conveyor belt to the wharf and
                       then loaded onto the vessel.

                       RFF owns a eucalypt plantation of approximately 29,000 hectares and produces both
                       hardwood and softwood chips.

                   2.  Artec Pty Ltd has a chip mill and chip storage area at Bell Bay. Chips from their stockpile
                       are transported by belt to the wharf and then loaded onto the vessel.

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