Page 4 - Affinity Neurocare Benefit Guide - FINAL
P. 4

Voluntary Dental Options:


           Per Pay Period               Bi-Weekly (26)                  Dependent Information

           Employee Only                    $16.74          We offer our employees their dependents dental coverage.
           Employee + Spouse                $35.58          Children  can  join  or  remain  on  a  parent’s  dental  plan  until
                                                            age 26. When a child turns 26, they will lose dental coverage
           Employee + Child(ren)            $38.69
                                                            on the last day of their birth month.
           Employee + Family                $55.53

          BRIEF  OVERVIEW                       Amount You Pay                        Amount You Pay
                                                                                      Non-Network Dentists
          Type of Service                      In—Network  Dentists                                 Reimbursed at 90% of U&C

          Annual Deductible (CYD)       $0-$25 Individual  / $75 Family Max    $0-$25 Individual  / $75 Family Max

          Preventive Services             Covered at 100%; CYD Waived            Covered at 100%; CYD Waived

          Basic Services                     Covered at 80% after CYD              Covered at 80% after CYD

          Major Services                     Covered at 50% after CYD              Covered at 50% after CYD
          Annual Maximum                              $1,000                                 $1,000

          Annual Maximum               Preventive Services Does Not Apply   Preventive Services Does Not Apply

                                                  CY Max will increase:                  CY Max will increase:
          Annual Maximum                         2nd year $100 (to $1,100)             2nd year $100 (to $1,100)
          (5 Year Increase)                     3rd year $200 (up to $1,300)           3rd year $200 (up to $1,300)
                                                4th year $300 (up to 1,600)            4th year $300 (up to 1,600)
                                                5th year $400 (up to $2,000.           5th year $400 (up to $2,000.

          Type of Service                                       Benefit Description

                    See Summary of Benefits and Policy for the age and frequency limitations of benefits.

                                         Covered at 100% Routine Exams,
          Preventive Services          Cleaning (2 /year), topical fluoride, X-  100% of Reasonable and Customary
                                         rays, space maintainers, sealants.

                                        Covered at 80% Composite fillings,
          Basic Services                    extractions, endodontics,                80% of Reasonable and Customary
                                            periodontics, oral surgery

                                         Covered at 50% Crown, Bridges,
          Major Services                                                       50% of Reasonable and Customary
                                           Dentures, Implant Alternate
          Annual Maximum                  Applies January 1 to December 31       Applies January 1 to December 31

          Network and non Network                   In Network                            Non Network

                      NOTE: This is only a brief overview. Please see Benefit Summary and policy for more details.
                               Website:  or Customer Service : 800-659-2223
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