Page 3 - First Choice-Care Quality Landscape Brochure #2 (edited) Re Final copy_Neat
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CARE THAT’S BUILT AROUND YOU Since 2004, we have been supporting and
assisting thousands of people to live
We understand how important it is to keep your independence. If things get too much to manage on your own, we’re independently at home, giving them the
here to step in with extra support. That’s the real difference with home care, whether it’s through live-in care or visiting choice and freedom to decide exactly how
support – you have complete choice over the options. they lead their lives. And with the expertise
With First Choice, your home care support can shrink or grow, if or when your needs change. We cover the full range of our fully-trained carers, we have the
of care services for adults of all ages, from offering companionship and help around the home through to 24-hour care capability and skills to deliver live-in care for
for complex health needs. a range of different complex medical
conditions and needs.
We’re here for you all the way.
Our in-house training programme ensures
that our carers are equipped to deliver the
Borough of Lewisham
CQC overall rating. Good. 6 May 2020 most professional and exceptional levels of
care synonymous with FC, covering modules
such as moving and handling, first aid,
medication, personal care and safeguarding.
TYPES OF HOME CARE We are also strictly regulated by the
Live-in care, Care Quality Commission (CQC), who certify
Overnight care, Dementia / Palliative care / Elderly care that we are providing a safe, effective and
Home care services includes: Visiting care, Errands and shopping, Emergency home care, responsive service to all of our customers
Personal care and are also carrying out the latest and
Support for younger people safest practices.
Hospital to Home
Taxi Transportation to rehabilitation sessions. Perhaps most importantly, we can help young adults by working collaboratively to
Taxi Transportation for wheelchair users. find a schedule that works best for you. We’re totally committed to care, and we
want you to get the best out of your care. We
The conditions we care for include: won’t prescribe set meal times or tell you
Dementia what time you’re getting up and going to bed
each day. Everything is led by you because
Alzheimer's ultimately, it’s your care. So, if you want to
Parkinson's have a quiet morning at home catching up
Stroke with the latest series on Netflix or would like
Cancer to spend the afternoon visiting friends, it’s
Multiple Sclerosis entirely up to you.
Palliative Conditions
Mobility and Frailty
Borough of Lewisham Borough of Lewisham
CQC overall rating. Good. 6 May 2020 CQC overall rating. Good. 6 May 2020