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Care and support for students

                                                                                                                 and those in the workplace

                                                                                                                 Studying at university or landing your dream job is
                                                                                                                 never out of reach, and with support from your
                                                                                                                 trusted carer, there is no reason why you can’t
                                                                                                                 achieve this if you have complex health needs.
                                                                                                                 Right from the start of your career or transition
        We recognise that no two people are the same, and this is especially important when caring for young     from college to university, we’ll accompany you to
        adults. Some may want to keep in touch with their circle of friends on a weekly basis, whereas others    your chosen place of work or education and make
        may want to continue enjoying going to their local football club and watching their favourite team.      sure that you have everything you need to help you
        Whatever you want to do to keep up to date with your friends or hobbies, we’ll be there every step of    excel in your chosen field.
        the way.
                                                                                                                 Carefully handpicked for you, your carer will be as
        WHY CHOOSE LIVE-IN CARE FOR YOUNG ADULTS?                                                                prominent or subtle as you’d like them to be, letting
                                                                                                                 you take the lead in your care. So, if you need
        When choosing the right type of support for you or a loved one, we understand how important this         support getting to and from lectures or assistance
        decision is and how it impacts you and your family. That’s why we assign an experience Live-in Care      at work with personal care, your carer will be there
        Manager to all of our live-in customers who will be your first point of contact at the start of your      when you need them.
        journey with us. Getting to know all of your medical, social and health needs, they will work with you
        and listen to what you want from your care, conducting a thorough assessment of your requirements        And it’s not just your work life that we can help
        and preferences and ultimately finding the perfect live-in carer for you.                                 with; those that work hard, play hard, and if you
                                                                                                                 want to attend an after-work meal or celebrate
        If you have complex health care needs such as an acquired brain injury, motor neurone disease or a       Freshers’ Week at the Student Union, your carer
        neurological condition, having someone that you can constantly rely on to assist you can make a real     will get fully involved too!
        difference to you. A live-in carer will take time to build up trust with you, so that you’re able to relax
        and rest assured that you’re in safe hands.                                                              Find out more about how we provide support for
                                                                                                                 young adults studying or at work.
        Nothing should stop you from doing what anyone else your age is doing – whether that’s going to a
        gig to watch your favourite band or taking a trip to your nearest city for a day out. And with many of
        our carers able to drive, it gives you the added opportunity to get out and about and continue living
        life to the full.

                                                                                                                                                  Borough of Lewisham
                                                                                                                                          CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020

                                                                                  Borough of Lewisham
                                                                           CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020
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