Page 8 - First Choice-Care Quality Landscape Brochure #2 (edited) Re Final copy_Neat
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•  Basic hand & foot care (excluding nail cutting)   Cost and Funding
        •  Basic skin care, where there is no inflamed or broken
        •  Shaving as required,                              The options for funding your care
        •  Toilet needs, including the management of continence
        •  Prompt, assist and administer medication in       How to fund long-term care is an important consideration when looking at
           accordance with the Care Plan                     home care options.  Depending on your personal circumstances, there may
        •  Manual handling with or without the use of a hoist  be public funding or benefits available to you, or other finance options.
        •  Monitoring general safety and welfare of user     Below are some examples of care that you may be eligible or entitled to and
        •  Assistance  with  toileting,  disposal  of  incontinence   you will need to contact your local council to enquire:
           pads, emptying colostomy and catheter bags
                                                             WHAT BENEFITS ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU?

        Practical and Social Support includes:               OVERVIEW
        •  Domestic cleaning but only as part of a Care Plan
           which includes personal care                      Paying for your care can feel daunting. We’re here to put your mind at rest.
        •  Monitor Personal Care, excluding general safety and   Cost  is  a  significant  factor  when  you’re  considering  any  form  of  care.  So
           welfare of Service User and home environment
        •  Preparation of light meals                        knowing your options – from healthcare funding to benefits entitlement –
                                                             will help you make a better decision and lift a weight from your shoulders.
        •  Seeking basic  information  and  assisting  with   Our friendly advisors are always here to help.
        •  Ensuring that the user is warm and secure         WHO QUALIFIES FOR CARE FUNDING FROM THEIR LOCAL

        Domestic tasks include:                              AUTHORITY?

        •  Dusting,  vacuum  cleaning,  washing  floors,  washing   For anyone seeking full-time live-in home care, either for themselves, their
           crockery and cutlery                              partner or a family member, the issue of how care is funded is complex.
        •  Polishing large items of furniture, cleaning baths,   Whilst self-funding the entire cost of live-in care seems the most obvious and
           sinks, work surfaces                              straightforward  option,  for  many  people  in  later  life  this  is  simply
        •  Toilets and ovens, removing cobwebs from ceilings and   impracticable.
           walls                                             In certain circumstances, however, you or your loved one may qualify for care
        •  Laundering sheets, towels, personal clothing      funding from your Local Authority. There are two main categories of
        •  Ironing, shopping, pension and prescription collection  discretionary subsidy for care costs: healthcare funding and social care
        •  Changing bed linen, emptying commode, pet care (not   funding.
           harmful ones- discretionary)
                                                             To determine whether or not you may be eligible to receive care funding
                                                             based upon your individual healthcare or social care needs it is important to
        We  know  that  asking  for  help  can  be  difficult  at  times.   understand the broad definition of each.
        We’re here to talk you through your visiting care options
        and  the  full  costs.  Call  us  today  to  speak  to  one  of  our
        friendly customer advisors.

                                               Borough of Lewisham                                                 Borough of Lewisham
                                       CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020                              CQC overall rating.   Good. 6 May 2020
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