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HOW TO APPLY FOR CARE FUNDING FROM THE NHS For further information on all the benefits listed here (as well as all other benefits), visit
• If you, your partner or a family member has complex, ongoing healthcare needs and is
not hospitalised, you may be eligible for NHS Continuing Health Care. This is the
collective name for a package of care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS.
• Unlike care services arranged through your local authority, which you may still be INELIGIBLE FOR SOCIAL CARE?
required to pay for in part subject to a financial assessment; NHS Continuing Health • Even if you are deemed ineligible for social care, there are other care funding options
Care is provided entirely free-of-charge to those who qualify for it. open to you.
• As with local authority funding, to apply for care funding from the NHS it is necessary • Please read the Healthcare funding, Benefits entitlements and Privately funded care
to undergo an assessment of your condition and care needs. To qualify for NHS sections below to find out more.
Continuing Health Care the assessors must be satisfied that you have “a complex
medical condition and substantial and ongoing care needs. You must have a "primary BENEFITS ENTITLEMENTS
health need", which means that your main or primary need for care must relate to your
health”. • When you’re exploring the options for funding live-in care, it’s easy to overlook a state
• Whilst specific health conditions, the choice of care provider and the location in which benefit to which you might be entitled. So as a first step, it’s worth making sure you’re
claiming everything you can.
care is to be received have no bearing upon the assessment, having a disability or a
long-term illness or condition do not automatically mean that you qualify for care • We’ve listed the main benefits here, but you may be able to claim others, depending on
funding. your circumstances. Not all of them are means tested and could provide a valuable
• The first step to applying for care funding from the NHS is to arrange an initial contribution to your care costs.
screening with your GP, nurse or healthcare advisor. They will use an assessment
known as the Checklist Tool which compares your health and care needs against a list
of eligibility criteria. FINANCING OPTIONS FOR LIVE-IN CARE
• If the outcome of the initial screening suggests that you may be eligible to receive NHS We work with trusted care finance experts, to help you make the most of your savings and
Continuing Health Care you will be referred for a full assessment of your healthcare finance your immediate and long term care needs. There are different ways in which to
needs with a team of health and social care professionals. They will then make a finance care including immediate care plans and equity release.
recommendation to your local Clinical Commissioning Group which has the final say
as to whether or not you will receive funding.
• Even if you are deemed ineligible for NHS Continuing Health Care there may be other
options for partial NHS care funding which may be open to you.
• The fully-managed live-in home care services provided by FCH enables you or your
loved one to receive care that is precisely tailored to your needs in the safety and
comfort of your own home. You can find out more about our award-winning live-in
care and the benefits it provides here. Alternatively, to speak to someone about your
live-in care requirements please call us on 0208 699 9184 or or contact us online via chat live.
• When considering your best options for funding care, the first stage is to ensure that
all state benefit entitlements are explored.
• Here we consider the main benefits – but it is important to note that depending on an
individual’s circumstances and needs, there may be other benefits to which you, or
your loved one, could be entitled to.