Page 9 - First Choice-Care Quality Landscape Brochure #2 (edited) Re Final copy_Neat
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The National Health Service interprets healthcare needs • If you are entitled to NHS Continuing Healthcare, you’ll Depending on your situation, you may be entitled to
and social care needs as follows: be asked how and where you wish your care to be additional funds, for example if your severely disabled or
received and which organisation(s) you would like to responsible for a child.
“In general terms it can be said that such a need is one • Being deemed eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare • Every one of us is entitled to an assessment of our care
related to the treatment, control or prevention of a whilst living at home does not mean that other benefits needs from our local authority. Unlike healthcare
disease, illness, injury or disability, and the care or to which you may be entitled will stop. For example, if funding, it will be means tested.
aftercare of a person with these needs (whether or not the you were already claiming Disability Living Allowance • So if you are eligible for social care, a financial
tasks involved have to be carried out by a health or Attendance Allowance, you would continue to do so assessment will establish if you need to fund all or part
professional).” as normal. of the cost.
• FCH looks after many people with Personal Health • If your financial assets – typically your savings,
HEALTHCARE FUNDING Budgets, working closely with NHS teams to ensure investments and your property (if you live alone) – are
• If you have complex, ongoing healthcare needs, you the best possible outcomes. Please call one of our team worth over £23,350, you are deemed to be
may be eligible for Continuing Healthcare (CHC), a on 0208 699 9184 or chat with us online • a full cost payer and will not receive any state funding
for your care needs.
package of care arranged and funded entirely by the • If your financial assets are worth between £14,250 and
NHS. Your eligibility is determined by an assessment, • We work with Care to Be Different, an organisation £23,350 you will receive part funding for your care
which looks closely at your needs before that helps eligible families secure NHS Continuing needs.
recommending the level of care you should receive. Healthcare funding. You can find out more about them • If your financial assets are worth less than £14,250, you
and request their help here. will receive the highest level of funding, although you
• CHC is non means-tested but the qualification criteria • We work with Care to Be Different, an organisation may still be required to pay a small proportion of your
are strict. If you are eligible, you may be given the that helps eligible families secure NHS Continuing
option of a Personal Health Budget. income to cover your care needs.
Healthcare funding. You can find out more about them • Initially, you should get in touch with your local
• If you have complex, ongoing healthcare needs, you and request their help here. authority and ask for a care assessment.
may be eligible for Continuing Healthcare (CHC), a
package of care arranged and funded entirely by the PENSION CREDITS SOCIAL CARE NEEDS
NHS. Your eligibility is determined by an assessment,
which looks closely at your needs before Pension Credits are a benefit for those over the age of “A social care need is one that is focused on providing
recommending the level of care you should receive. 65 that is split into two parts – Guarantee Credit and assistance with activities of daily living, maintaining
• CHC is non means-tested but the qualification criteria Savings Credit. independence, social interaction, enabling the individual
to play a fuller part in society, protecting them in
are strict. If you are eligible, you may be given the • Guarantee credit provides a guaranteed minimum vulnerable situations, helping them to manage complex
option of a Personal Health Budget. level of income by topping up your weekly pension if it relationships and (in some circumstances) accessing a
is below a particular threshold, which changes if you
• NHS Continued Healthcare is awarded when your are single or living with a partner. These amounts may care home or other supported accommodation.”
primary need for care relates to your health. The increase further depending on individual • It should be noted that these are not legally binding
assessment will look in detail at how complex, intense circumstances. For example, if you are disabled then definitions and that the terms ‘healthcare needs’ and
or unpredictable your needs might be. any addition will be assessed at the time of application. ‘social care needs’ cover a vast range of individual
• As a first step, ask your GP for an initial assessment. If circumstances and criteria.
the outcome suggests you may be eligible, you’ll be • Savings credit is an extra payment for those that have • Therefore, if you are in any doubt about whether or not
referred for a full assessment by a team of healthcare made some provision for their retirement, for example your care needs qualify you or your loved one for care
professionals – a Clinical Commissioning Group – who savings/investments or a second pension. The level of funding according to the definitions outlined above it
is recommended that you seek professional legal or
benefit for savings credit changes depending on
will make a final recommendation. whether you live alone or with a partner. medical guidance for clarification.