Page 10 - First Choice-Care Quality Landscape Brochure #2 (edited) Re Final copy_Neat
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AUTHORITY CARE FUNDING? FUNDS (ISF) SCHEME. Attendance Allowance is a tax-free benefit payable to
those aged 65 or over who need help with personal care
Before care funding can be allocated your local authority Most of our customers fund their care privately or via due to physical or mental disability. It is paid at two
will require that you are means-tested to determine direct payments, personal budget with traditional care different rates, which depends on how much care and
whether or not you qualify. Under current rules, residents package. If you’re funding care yourself, we do support you require.
of England or Northern Ireland who hold assets (which recommend that you first research whether any benefits
may include savings, investments and property) valued at are available to you. Below are lots of advice to help you Usually to qualify you must be aged 65 or over and at least
£23,250 or more will not qualify for care funding and will get started and signpost you in the right direction with one of the following must apply:
be expected to cover their own care fees, whether they your local council social services department. • You have a physical disability (including sensory
choose a residential nursing home or live-in home care, in • This new way of doing things gives the service user disability, such as blindness), a mental disability
full. The assets value threshold is slightly higher for much greater flexibility and choice with arrangements (including learning difficulties), or both.
residents in Scotland and Wales. with the organisations that actually provide the service • Your disability is severe enough for you to need help
• If, currently, your combined assets are deemed to be to them. caring for yourself or someone to supervise you.
worth less than £14,250 you will qualify for care • You have needed help and support for at least six
funding and will not be expected to contribute WHAT WILL BE DIFFERENT? months.
anything towards care fees for you or your loved one. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) has replaced
• In cases where the assets possessed are valued at a The Council will continue to pay money (the agreed Disability Living Allowance (DLA), and is a financial benefit
personal budget) directly to FC on a monthly basis in
sum between £14,250 and £23,250 you will qualify for arrears, and FC will work directly with Mr S and his family that can help with extra costs if you have a disability or
partial care funding and will be expected to contribute to determine how they want their care and support long-term health condition.
the balance of payments for your care. arranged. FC will develop the first support plan directly To be eligible, you must:
• When assessing your eligibility to receive healthcare with the service user which is then signed off by the Council.
needs or social care needs funding your local authority Thereafter, a new support plan would be developed with the • Be between the ages of 16 and 65.
will also take household income into consideration. For service user on a monthly basis. An updated support plan • Have difficulty with daily living or your mobility or both.
this reason it is recommended that you fully would be required by the council if the personal budget is • Expect your difficulties continue for at least nine
investigate, and take advantage of, any other benefits reduced or if the personal budget is increased months.
for which you may be eligible as otherwise a local • The council continues to pay for the service under CARER’S ALLOWANCE
authority means test may incorrectly assume that you direct payment traditional care
are already claiming your full benefits entitlements. Carer’s Allowance is a benefit to help people who care for
DIRECT PAYMENTS WHY THE COUNCILS INTRODUCING INDIVIDUAL a disabled person. You don’t have to be related to or live
with the person you care for. You may be able to get
Rather than accepting a care package from your local Carer’s Allowance if you:
authority, you can receive your funding as direct An Individual Service Fund (ISF) is a different way for a • Are aged 16 or over
payments into your bank account and use them to pay the service user to purchase their care and support from an • Spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a person
care provider of your choice. If necessary, you can top up Organisation. This has been introduced by Councils from
the payments yourself to cover any shortfall. April 2011. For every week that you get Carer’s Allowance, you’ll also
• Many of our customers use their direct payments to • Up until now, people who have been assessed as get National Insurance Credits which will be paid to you
help fund the outstanding care we provide. To find eligible for care have had very little choice and about automatically. You may also be able to apply for other
out more, please call one of our friendly advisors on who provides the care and how the care is provided. benefits.
0208 699 9184