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I   S-;-'a

                                             Beagle   would    have   gone
                                             wild    with    delight    and
                                             shaken    it   to   death   right
                                             there    on   the   platform.
                                             Fortunately,     Beagles
         As   tlie   train   prills   out,   I  asked   him   pre-  are   not   an  option    when
          cisely   which   aspect   of   E.M.   lie   worild  Ambos    are   addressing
         be   addressing    for   tlie    improvement  the   after-dinner    crowd
          of   liis   public's    edification,    insight    and  on   Matters    of  Internatio-
          compreliension.    The   reply   was   non-  nal   Importance.    The   rain
         committal.    I  was   made   to   understand  turned   to   hailstones.
         tliat   lie  would    be  giving   tlie   matter
         liis    most    profound     coi'isideration  Indifferent    to   the   fact
         tlirougl'iout    tlie   trip.   I  therefore    stop-  tliat     all    the    Society         l  t   0+     %   -
         ped   talking    and   confined    myself   to   lis-  members    were   already
         tening    to   our   fellow    travellers    ringing  seated   in   tlie   restaurant
         every   one   of   their   respective    friends  awaiting    tlie   arrival    of  tlieir    after-din-  A  musical    interlude    followed    during
         and    relatives    to   reassure    tliem   that  nerspeakerwliilstdrinl6ngtliemselves  wl'iicl'i   everyone    was   encoriraged    to   liit
         they   were,   indeed,    on   tl'ie   train.  to  a  stupor    trying    to  keep   warm,    we  their   wine   glass   witl'i   a  fork   until   an
                                             reqriested    a  five   minute    stop   at   our   ho-  unruly    silence   was   acliieved    and   the
          H.E.   fell   asleep.              tel   to   leave  tlie   luggage    and  freshen   up.  Chairman    staggered    to  liis   feet   to  in-
                                                                                troduce    The   Ainbassador    WIIO  was   to
         After   a  couple    of  liorirs,    worried    about  For  "freshen   up"   read:    'Iot   down  address    us  upon   Matters    of   Universal
         tlie   possibility    of  a  liired   restaurant  speaking    points."  Interest    and   Impoitance.
         full   of  diners    living    orit  tlie   rest   of  tlieir
         lives   in  European    Ignorance,    I  gave  Wliilst    we  were   thus   employed,     our  Except    tliat   the   An'ibassador    in  qries-
         him   a  gentle   midge.   He   lialf   opened  octogenarian    Davy   Crocket    decided  tion   was   nowhere    to  be  seen,    since
         one   eye,   swore   gently   in   two   languages  to   turn   tl'ie   car   around    in   tlie   limited  the   upper   lialf   of  his   torso   had   di-
         and   assured    me   tliat   he   corild   wing   it.  space   of  the   hotel    forecourt     wliilst  sappeared    rinder   the   table   wliilst    he
         I  went   back   to  glaring    at  my   fellow  waiting    for   us  to  re-emerge,    painted  searclied    in   vain   for   (a)   his   table   nap-
         passengers    in   three   languages    as  tliey  and   coiffed    and,   more   especially,    bea-  l<in   and   (b)  liis   speaking    notes,   botli   of
         continued    to  regale   tlie   carriage    witli  ring   indeciplierable    squiggles    on  the  wliich    had   by   then   been   reduced    to  a
         tlieir    tales   of   woe   or   joy,   or   just   tlieir  back   of   an   old   envelope.    When    we   did  pulp   by   liis   neighbours'    wet   shoes.
         latest   recipes   for   qriick   and   inexpen-  just   tliat,   6.5   minutes   later,  we  found
         sive   suppers.                     liim   standing    out   in   tlie   sleet   lool6ng  Some   Speakers'    wives   manage    to   buy
                                             shamefaced.    It   l'iad   taken   him   a  mere  themselves    whole   apaitment    blocks,
         Upon   arrival,    we   were   met   at  tlie   sta-  3  minutes   to  rip  the  back  bumper   off  of   course,    oi'i   the    proceeds    of  tlieir
         tion   by   the   President    of   the   Society  the   car   whilst    backing    into   an  attrac-  husband's    lecture    torirs.   I  don't   1<now
         in   Question,     a  perfectly    cliarming  tive   liydrangea    bush   and   a  not-so-at-  wliere    I  go   wrong,    really.
         gentleman    in   his   mid-eiglities.    A  for-  tractive    immovable    concrete    pillar
         mer   Ambassador.    We   recognised    liim  and  a  record  3.5   minutes   to  stuff   tlie  Even   tlie   hotel   freebies    were   rubbisli.
         immediately    becarise,    as   promised,  entire   offending    article    into   the   boot.  I  went   arorind    smelling    like   a  tart's
         lie   was   wearing    an  electric    blue   E.U.  We   were   politely    requested    to   pretend  parlour    after   using   tlie   sliower    gel   that
         baseball     cap.   The   summer     version,  we   had   seen   nothing    unusual.  night   and   H.E.'s   hair   was   standing    on
         witli   tlie   see-tlirougli    fisli-net    crown.                    end   for   two   days   after   he  had   ill-ad-
         Tlie   rain   was   coming    down   in   slieets.  A  very   jolly   crowd   was   awaiting    orir  visedly    washed    it  with   their   organic
         At   some   stage   in  his   diplomatic    ca-  arrival    inside    tl'ie   restaurant.    Most  shampoo.    Or   perhaps    tliat  was  just   tlie
         reer,   liowever,    he   must   have   been   pos-  mellow.    We   were   slotted    into   our   res-  effect   of  liaving    to   answer    half  an   horir
         ted   to   Moscow,    for   as  80011   as  we   had  pective    places   at  table   and   plied   witli  of   decidedly    incol'ierent    qriestions    at
         idei'itified    each   other,   lie   qriite   under-  vast   quantities    of   alcoliol:    it  seemed  tlie   end   of   a  decidedly    awful   meal.
         5tandably    exclianged     this    for   a  we  liad   a  lot   of  catcliing    rip  to   do.
         Siberian    wolf   Davy   Crocket    number,  Food   duly   arrived    and   was   duly   des-  One   ceitainly    sings   for   one's   supper
         tliougli    without,    fortunately,    the   tail.  patclied    at  everyone's    leisure.  whilst    eating   for   one's   corintty.

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