Page 48 - DIVA_1_2013
P. 48

Melissa de Leon

                               Business with high heels

          In 2008, Chef Melissa went through a painful divorce, leading her to re-
          consider the priorities in her life. It was then, almost by accident, that she
          received samples of gluten-free flour from the company Sunny Mills in Pa-
          nama. She was inspired by this and, from that moment, began to develop
          energy bars, nutritious cookies, breads and pastas that she would com-
          mercialize as Tropical Panama Gourmet in different places in Panama City.

        Q: How did you kick start your      a plant to produce "gluten-free healthy   best out of my ability. After the work-
        business?                           products based on flour from tropical   shop, I developed a business plan to
                                            tubers grown in Panama". These pro-  present to prospective investors.
         I am a chef by training. However, when   ducts contain no grain, lactose or refi-
         I started my company, I did not have   ned sugar and are suitable for sports-  Q: What was the business idea
        a commercial kitchen with adequate   men, those who want to lose weight   behind Tropical Panama Gour-
        equipment, so I had to be both very   and people who suffer from certain   met?
        patient and very persistent. In order to   illnesses or have intolerance to gluten
        be able to get the money to obtain such   -- above all, for those seeking a heal-  My business idea consisted of the
        equipment, I participated in a business   thy diet. To start production, my first   installation and initiation of a plant to
        incubator competition. Out of the 250   oven was purchased with the support   produce finished products made with
        entrepreneurs who entered, I was    of AMPYME -- the Government of      gluten-free flours, as well sugar-free
        among the four finalists. My dream was   Panama's agency supporting small and   products for diabetics, both for local
        about to be realized!               medium enterprises -- in my region of   and international sales. I have deve-
                                            La Chorrera.                        loped an innovative technique that
        Thanks to the competition, I joined                                     gives my products a shelf-life of up to
        the "Plan to Jump" programme of the   Later on, I had the opportunity of   twelve months without using additives
         Panama Business Accelerator in the   benefiting from EMPRETEC training.   or preservatives. This long shelf-life
        City of Knowledge. There I was able   This allowed me to obtain intense and   lowers the management costs of expor-
        to implement my own business mo-    hands-on feedback on how to improve   ting such products, as we do not need
        del, which is based on the creation of   my business project, and how to get the   to worry about their rapid expiration
                                                                                date. Further, by using gluten-free
                                                                                flour in our products, we are able to
                                                                                use 100% of the harvest cultivated with
                                                                                no waste. Producers benefit because
                                                                                there are no leftovers and they have the
                                                                                assurance that all of their production
                                                                                will be purchased, ensuring a more
                                                                                steady flow of income.
                                                                                Q: What is your ambition for the
                                                                                My ambition is to export  100%
                                                                                Panamanian products promoting heal-
                                                                                thy nutrition, while at the same time
                                                                                contributing to the agribusiness in my
                                                                                My enterprise's vision is to blend culi-
                                                                                nary training with knowledge of nutri-
                                                                                tion and a passion for food. It specia-
                                                                                lizes in developing gourmet products
                                                                                delivered to supermarkets and restau-
                                                                                rants. In addition, the company has a
                                                                                portfolio of training services, cooking
                                                                                courses and personalized catering.
                                                                                I started alone and today Tropical
                                                                                Panama Gourmet employs ten people,

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