Page 38 - Bulletin, Vol.80 No.1, May 2021
P. 38



            1.  AAFI-AFICS is an Association in constant evolution and is therefore required to take
                 account  of  present-day  realities.  To  this  end  the  Association  has  continued  to
                 assume  its  place  within  FAFICS  to  ensure  a  presence  in  all  areas  where  the
                 interests of retirees are treated (Annex V).


            2.  The  list  of  Committee  members  for  2019-2020  is  given  in  Annex  I.  In  2019  the
                 Committee  lost  a  member,  Nari  (Venkataraman  Narasimhan),  who  had  been  the
                 Association’s Treasurer for 25 years. We have lost not only an eminent member of
                 the Committee but also a true friend.

            3.  A  number  of  other  valued  members  have  also  left  us,  to  whom  we  have  paid
                 homage in the Bulletin. The President of AAFNU-BF (Burkina-Faso), Pierre Adama
                 Traoré, and Jean Broggini, secretary-treasurer of FAFICS from 1996 to 2002, also
                 disappeared in the autumn of 2019.

            4.  In 2019 the Committee met nine times for roughly three hours of discussion at each
                 session. The activities of sister associations are also reviewed since each of them
                 gives specific guidance and support to its members, especially concerning health

            5..  One task of the Committee is to prepare and adopt a budget. The 2020 budget is
                 given in Annex II. It is particularly important to manage wisely the funds acquired by
                 the Association over the years with the dramatic fall in interest rates in more recent
                 years, and, unfortunately, lower membership. Our annual members should pay their
                 fees (CHF 40.00) every year prior to April.

            6.  Due  to  the  pandemic,  we  could  not  hold  a  general  assembly.  However  the
                 Committee approved the accounts after usual checking by the auditors (ANNEX III
                 and IV).

            7.  The Committee studies the documents that will be discussed at the annual session
                 of  the  FAFICS  Council  so  that  the  AFICS  representatives  have  a  clear  mandate.
                 The AAFI-AFICS Committee also prepares documents on subjects which it deems
                 should be discussed by the FAFICS Council.

            8.  The  Bureau  of  the  AAFI-AFICS  Committee,  composed  of  the  Chairman,  Vice-
                 Chairmen and the Treasurer, meets at least once a week at the Palais des Nations.
                 Mohammed Sebti, the representative of FAFICS on the Pension Board, and Pierre
                 Sayour,  secretary  of  FAFICS,  are  also  invited.  Bureau  members  maintain  close
                 communication  by  telephone  and  e-mail.  They  participate  regularly  in  other
                 meetings and activities that are relevant to the work of the Association.

            36                                                  AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 80 No. 1, 2021-05
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