Page 43 - Bulletin, Vol.80 No.1, May 2021
P. 43
and sent to retirees, who also now receive a paper copy of the SHIF
information Bulletin.
33. SHI (WHO)
a. As in 2015, there was an election in 2019 for the six persons who represent
retirees in the committees around the world that manage the WHO Health
Insurance scheme. The Oversight Committee acts as advisor to the Director-
General in all matters relating to health insurance. Senior WHO officials,
representatives of participants and internal and external advisors take part in
this Committee. The Standing Committee deals with individual matters in
dispute and recommends to the Oversight Committee revisions to the
regulations based on their experience.
b. In 2020 the insurance improved some benefits, including medical check-ups
for retirees.
c. Each year the insurance publishes an information Bulletin which also contains
a message from the representatives of the retirees.
d. In 2018, the number of retirees and beneficiaries represented 23% of those
insured, a total that remains stable.
1. It is not possible for a retiree to add a dependent family member or
members to their insurance coverage after separation from service.
2. It is not possible to rejoin the scheme if, on separation from service, a
retiree has decided to withdraw from the SHI.
34. After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI)
a. The participants at the AAFI-AFICS 2017 General Assembly requested that
this item be discussed together with questions on insurance even if ASHI is
treated at a higher level.
b. UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/68/244 specifically requested the
Secretary General “to undertake a survey of current healthcare plans for active
and retired staff within the United Nations system, to explore all options to
increase efficiency and contain costs, and to report thereon at its 70 session”.
c. Accordingly, the Finance and Budget Network of the High-Level Management
Committee of the Chief Executives Board for Coordination created a Working
Group on After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI). This Group was composed
of representatives from 18 organizations in the system, the Federation of
Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS) and CCSUIA
(representing serving staff). The Secretary-General has made several reports
on the work of the Group, which began in 2015, to the General Assembly, and
continued in 2018. The final report of the Working Group was submitted at the
end of 2018,
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 80 No. 1, 2021-05 41