Page 167 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 167


                                                                                                                                      Looking for unique eating experiences
                                                                                                                                      Come to Le Clocher in Annecy-le-Vieux,

                                                                                                                                      Haute-Savoie, France

                                                                                                                                                                             he offers a menu that changes with the seasons,
                                                                                                                                                                             mainly made from local and fresh products.
                                                                                                                                                                             An outstanding wine list, particularly varied
                                                                                                                                                                             and adapted to all budgets, will enhance your
                                                                                                                                                                             meals in the most beautiful way.

                                                                                                                                                                             Honored with several labels including those
                                                                                                                                                                             of «Quality Tourism», «Maître Restaurateur»
                                                                                                                                                                             and  «Member  of  the  Culinary  College  of
                                                                                                                                                                             France»,  Le  Clocher  his  distinguished  itself
                                                                                                                                                                             out as an essential table in the region.

                                                                                                                                                                             And  Le  Clocher,  was  just  awarded  the
                                                                                                                                                                             distinction  of  having  one  of  the  100  best
                 Inside feeric and   formation, risky to explore. Inside was a fairy  incredible  structure.  Next  summer,  as  soon                                        cellars in France! It has been a long way getting
              almost unreal world   tale of underground blue lakes and a turquoise  as it is possible, I will certainly go with him   Does  Annecy  le  Vieux  ring  a  bell?  It  is  not   there,  but  Bruno  Colomb  and  his  dedicated
                   of the glacier  ice ceilings like royal crystal. In some places we  again,  this  time  taking  colleagues  who  have   the historical city of Annecy on the lake, as   staff have made it! Le Clocher is a restaurant
                               could see objects frozen inside the ice - many  been fascinated by my photos and stories. We           many people tend to believe, but rather one of   serving traditional food, and in the summer,
               The cave-turquoise   there for centuries or millennia given the age  will  visit  “our”  Glacier,  feel  its  pulse  again,   Annecy’s quiet suburbs. For a some unknown
                 natural Palais of   of this Glacier, held deep inside its heart.  see its beauty, admire the guide’s devotedness     reason, the gastronomes in the region seem to   the  terrace  outside  is  particularly  lovely,
              Ed Kummer cave in                                      to  his  treasure,  and  defend  this  unique  and               have all settled there, and now you have two   adjoined by a place where the locals meet to
                    Chatzuleche                                                                                                                                              play pétanque.
                               We were speechless for some time, and could  endangered UNESCO site. Anyone who has                    restaurants with Micheline Stars, Claude Sens,
                               not even move; we needed a long rest to calm  seen or heard of such a thing will surely be             and Felix. And as if  this were not enough, in
                  Inside the cave                                                                                                     front of the Town Hall you find three excellent
                   - Marjela side  our emotions and prepare for the long ascent  concerned about the fragility of nature, and
                               back. This was difficult, but we managed, using  perhaps  working  together  we  will  all  try  to    and more reasonably priced restaurants where
                               a rope prepared by our guide to escalade part  save the Glacier.                                       the food is also excellent, Le Café Brunet, Le
                               of it. Then we walked the blue-marked trail,                                                           Clocher and Le Petit Prince.
                               and,  understanding  that  we  were  returning  If  you  would  be  interested,  you  can  get
                               from a fairy tale to reality, we turned back to  in  touch  in  English,  French  and  German,         The three  above-mentioned  restaurants  are
                               see the glacier and say goodbye. Only a little  with  Edelbert  (Ed)  Kummar,  the  guide  at          all located in the heart of Annecy-le-Vieux, a
                               further on, this grandiose spectacle was lost to   directly   through               large part of which is classified as a historical
                               us. After that came the Aletsch forest and the  his   website,   or               monument.  Of particular  distinction  is Le
                               usual view of the glacier on the red-marked  through  the  Aletrch  Arena  official  site              Clocher, which occupies the ground floor of a
                               path. Back in reality, we made another long,  where  you  will            buildingoverfourcenturies old.Takingits name
                               stop while the guide told us about the glacier.  also find guides for the guided ice walks if you      from one of the most beautiful Romanesque-
                               I learned many new geological and historical  are keen experience walking on the ice before            type historic monuments of the whole region
                               facts - all incredibly interesting!   it shrinks or melts down.                                        –  a  bell tower  dating from  the  12th century
                                                                     PS:  Special  thanks  go  to  Ed  Kummar  for                    –  the  restaurant Le Clocher  benefits  from  a
                               Devotedness   to   nature   protection  showing his secret Ice Cave, to Kevin Munnig                   unique setting, with a terrace. Inside modernity
                               In  winter  this  trip  will  not  be  possible,  so  for introducing me to the Glacier, and to my     and  authenticity blend, the  furniture  with
                               I  will  go  with  the  guide  to  gain  snowshoe  colleague Isa Mamedov who shared with me the        contemporary  lines  harmoniously alongside
                               experience  around  the  area,  as  I  am  quite  part of the adventure, and hopefully will share      thick exposed stone walls.
                               conquered by devotion to “his” glacier. I want  more to explore all Swiss Glaciers with all their
                               to  share  this  love  with  you,  and  express  my  caves and to raise concern on how we all can do   Chef Benjamin Schwab’s cuisine evokes in all
                               solidarity  with  those  who  want  to  save  this  our bit to protect them.                           respects this exceptional heritage and cultural
                                                                                                                                      richness. In the kitchen since February 2018,

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