Page 172 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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              international Geneva forever                                                                                            many actors that have been in war or are in
                                                                                                                                      a conflict situation. When they do want to sit
                                                                                                                                      down to talk peace, very often the first place
                                                                                                                                      they think of is Geneva. It is a place where you
              Interview with                                                                                                          have a lot of the elements necessary for making

              michael moller                                                                                                          an environment conducive to peace talks. It is
                                                                                                                                      an  international  city,  a  place  where  agendas
              Chairman, Diplomacy Forum                                                                                               are  not  going  to  cut  across  your  own,  and
                                                                                                                                      nobody shoots at you in the streets of Geneva!
              Geneva Science & Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) and former Director-                                                     The infrastructure is tried and true. We have

              General of United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG)                                                                       had it for many many decades, and it works.
                                                                                                                                      As I have said, the neutrality of Switzerland
                                                                                                                                      is an important element of that. I remember,
                               Most of us remember the days when Michael  such  as  the  business  community.  Geneva  is             a  couple  of  days  after  I  arrived  as  Director
                               Moller was the Director-General. It was well  then operational of the international system             General back in 2013, we had the Iran talks,
                               before the renovation of the Palais started and  with  up  to  100  International  Organisations,      and at a certain point we were having coffee,
                               many  of  us,  look  back  with  nostalgia.  Our  more than 180 countries are represented, over        and I asked the Foreign Minister, “Why did
                               beloved  press-bar  was  still  around,  and  we  700  NGOs  are  based  here  and    over  1,600      you chose to come to Geneva?” His answer was
                               did  not  have  dust  everywhere.  It  was  also  a  multinational companies have offices here. All    very quick: “We thought about a few places,
                               time when the UN was a meeting and melting  of this makes for an extraordinary ecosystem               but very quickly we realized that Geneva was
                               place. It was bustling with people everywhere,  that’s  working  better  and  better.  It  makes       the place we needed to come to and everybody
                               and never a dull moment. The Covid changed  International  Geneva  stronger.  More  people             agreed to it.” So, there is this natural attraction
                               much of it all, Mr Moller retired and we were  are coming here.                                        to the city. It is one of its strengths that it is
                               curious  to  know,  what  exciting  things  this                                                       understood to be the City of Peace.
                               dynamic  man  was  up  to  today.  So  we  were  Where  I  am  working  now,    in  the  Geneva
                               lucky enough to get a chance to meet with him  Science  and  Diplomacy  Anticipator  –is  not          You are still one of the VIPs in International
                               and ask a lot of questions, that he so kindly  coincidentally based in Geneva. It is because           Geneva. Could you please tell us about your
                               answered. So Mr Moller, it’s over to you.  Geneva  is  considered  a  city  of  peace,  a  city        activities and undertakings?
                                                                     of  international  cooperation.  International                   I  do  a  number  of  things.  I  was  asked  to  be
                               Your  contribution  to  International  Geneva  Geneva is a place for so many things including          the  chairman  of  the  Diplomacy  Forum  of
                               during your tenure as Director General was  – hopefully – peace talks on what is happening             a new initiative created a little over two and
                               outstanding, and you received the prestigious  in Ukraine, and the sooner the better.                  half years ago called the Geneva Science and
                               award Le Prix de la Foundation pour Genève                                                             Diplomacy Anticipator. It was set up by the
                               for your work. Do you feel that International  Do you think in-person diplomacy is the only            Federal Government in collaboration with the   governments,  NGOs  and  other  actors  such
                               Geneva  has  lost  any  of  its  importance  since  way to resolve conflict?                           Canton and the City of Geneva. Its objective   as  the  business  community,  civil  society,
                               the pandemic? If so, why?             No, but it is an important aspect of it. If you                  is  to  identify  the  sciences  and  technologies   academia – we bring all these people together
                               On the contrary in this fragmented world, I  want to make peace and in particular if you               of tomorrow by scanning what is happening   and ask them to give us their views on which
                               think that International Geneva is even more  want to sign a peace agreement, it is almost             in  laboratories  and  universities  across  the   issues we should concentrate on. Then we work
                               important now than before. It is getting more  an  imperative  to  have  personal  contact.            world.  We  invite  scientists  and  bring  them   with them and accompany the conversations,
                               important on a lot of issues. In a world that  Technology  is  being  used  more  and  more,           together  with  the  potential  end  users  of  the   enriching  them  by  bringing  in  other  actors
                               is as confrontational as it is now, it is always  and that can help us and will in the future. We      technologies  they  will  come  up  with.  We   such as ethisists, philosophers, young people,
                               important  to  have  a  neutral  space,  a  peace-  have seen lots of very good things happening       enable  them  to  talk  together,  scientists  and   artists, a broad selection of society, to create
                               loving  and  peace-making  space.  Geneva  online for the last couple of years, and we have            diplomats, scientists and politicians, scientists   trust in that science. Then we help bring the
                               is  that  par  excellence!  Of  course,  the  Covid  strengthened the coordination of it as well, so,   and  international  organisations.  The  goal  is   solutions that come out of these conversations
                               pandemic, starting two and a half years ago,  it’s an important element, but it is not the only        for  them  to  agree  on  which  of  these  many   to market if we can and to make sure that they
                               put a damper on activities. It has also slowed  one.                                                   technologies  and  scientific  breakthroughs   are being used for the benefit of humanity and
                               down the implementation of the Sustainable                                                             that are coming out with great speed would   not the opposite.
                               Development Goals.                    During  your  tenure  several  important  talks                  be the most appropriate to translate into tools
                                                                     took place here. Could you please tell us about                  for those whose job it is to make life better for   There  are  three  very  important  words
                               The  collaborative  gene  is  finally  growing  them  and  how  you  managed  to  get  them            humanity.                              that  are  at  the  basis  of  what  we  do:  ethics,
                               in  Geneva,  both  among  international  here?                                                                                                governance and equity. It is very important to
                               organisations and with other actors in society  As I said, there is a sort of natural reflex in        So,  to  sum  up:  international  organisations,   us that the ethical dimensions of all these new

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