Page 177 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 177

international                                         international

 Hidden at our Feet:   I was even fortunate enough to find a donor  remains in a perfect state at our feet! It may
               connected  to  the  de  Sellon  family  history,  have  been  overlooked  due  to  construction
 the First historic monument of multilateralism  who  was  prepared  to  restore  the  Temple.  I  works, but now when the construction works
               shared  this  information  with  colleagues  and  are terminated, it can be easily found. While
 By Evelina Rioukhina  published  a  series  of  articles  which  caused  the  huge  tree  that  ruined  the  Temple  is  no
               tremendous  interest;  especially  among  longer  there,  it  gave  birth  to  a  twin  trunks
 It  is  generally  thought  that  multilateralism  Previous   generations   understood   the   younger  people,  remarkably  enough,  who  tree that grew from the fallen tree, and these
 began in Geneva with the League of Nations in  significance of this heritage of internationalism,   even  now  ask  if  the  project  is  progressing.  newly grown twin trunks will lead you to this
 1920. However, the ICRC, was created much  but  of  late  it  seems  to  have  been  forgotten   Unfortunately it is not, but this young interest  discovery. As the ruined tree gave the life to
 earlier than this, not to mention other events  and is at risk of being lost. Today, the Black   is a hopeful sign, emphasising the monument’s  new trunks, the Temple should be given new
 which sowed the seeds of multilateralism in  Marble obelisk is in the Cemetery of the Kings   importance. Whether it is the first monument  life in the same way!
 Genevan soil. To better understand this, it is  where  it  is  often  mistaken  for  a  headstone.   of  multilateralism,  or  just  one  of  unity  and
 worth revisiting the history of multilateralism  The  Temple  met  an  even  more  tragic  fate   peace  is  for  the  future  to  decide,  but  the  Despite of the grandeur of the new H building
 and seeing how Geneva became known as the  – it was demolished by a falling tree during   commitment  of  these  young  people  assures  and  other  restorations,  this  monument’s
 city  of  peace  and  diplomacy  much  earlier  -  a thunderstorm in 1946 and has never been   me it will undoubtedly be restored one day.   significance  may  be  the  most  important.
 more than two centuries ago.   rebuilt.              Geneva is the capital of multilateralism, and
               As  my  generation  is  ‘outgoing  from  the  UN’  today we need this approach more than ever.
 The long history of Geneva peace  There have been many proposals to restore   (retirement), we must admit that we - as the  Renewing our heritage and history will be a
 movements  is  usually  dated  it. In 1963, its reconstruction was proposed   whole  currently  “outgoing”  generation  -  did  first step.
 from  the  First  Congress  of  the  as  a  Memorial  dedicated  to  the  UN   not attach much importance to this monument,
 Société de la Paix, established in  Secretary-General Dag Hammarkjöld, who   having often more significant preoccupations.  There  will  be  opportunities  of  course:  the
 1830  and  convened  soon  after  lost  his  life  in  serving  the  ideals  of  peace,   At the beginning of the millennium, as well  80  anniversary of the UN, or, in 2030, the
 by Count Jean-Jacque de Sellon  or as an optional burial place for the ashes   as  dealing  with  climate  change,  we  were  200   anniversary  of  the  first  Congress  of
 in his castle, Château Allaman,  of  international  civil  servants.  In  1967,  a   involved  in  other  important  activities,  such  Peace  would  both  be  good  occasions  for
 near  Geneva.  This  Congress  petition  of  international  staff  suggested  it   as the Memorial (1999-2003), and later - the  restoration.  However,  is  such  an  occasion
 is  generally  believed  to  be  the  as  an  interfaith  mediation  and  dialogue   renovation of the Palais and building of a huge  needed?  The  minimum  can  be  done  right
 forerunner  of  the  League  of  centre for people of all religions, delegates,   new  edifice  for  the  UNOG  -H  building,  as  away  –  a  commemorative  plaque  could
 Nations and the UN.   official   representatives   and   Genevan   well as some other not less important projects  be  put  on  the  original  foundation  near
 citizens.  In  1975,  during  the  European   such as the Portail des Nations. We have been  H  building,  to  stop  it  being  forgotten.
 However, there are archives and  Year of Architectural Heritage, a proposed   also achieving the restoration of the Celestial  Furthermore,   it   could   be   restored
 monuments which indicate still  restoration  managed  by  the  Arts  Society   Sphere which we had been striving for many  elsewhere,  as  suggested  before.  It  could
 earlier peace activities, some by  would  have  made  it  a  landmark  for  the   years,  even  decades.  While  the  Celestial  be  in  the  middle  of  The  Rebirth  sculpture,
 Count  Jean-Jacques  de  Sellon  international spirit of Geneva. For this last,   Sphere  is  the  world-known  vista  of  Geneva  as  it  will  symbolize  the  rebirth  of  unity.
 himself (1782-1839). As well as  it was also suggested it could be restored at   International and the symbol of the Palais des  The  important  thing  is  that  it  is  done,  and   The archives
 founding  the  first  continental  another  site:  suggestions  included  by  the   Nations, however, the symbolic importance of  people fully understand its historical value.     information
 European peace society, de Sellon  Ariana Museum outside UNOG premises.   the Temple is still significant.      provided by Jean
 devoted  himself  to  promoting                      This is the message I am passing on together   Claude Pallas, the
 peace  and  arbitration  between  Then,  in  1995,  almost  a  generation  later,   As  part  of  the  ‘outgoing  from  the  UN’  with Jean-Claude Pallas – symbolically - from   author of the book
 nations and was also an ardent  the  Temple’s  significance  was  seriously  re-  generation,  I  want  to  pass  on  the  message  the previous and pre-previous generations to   on the architectural
 opponent  of  the  death  penalty.  examined,  and  there  was  an  attempt  to   from past generations to whom this Temple  those UN generations working at the Palais   history of the
 He  erected  two  monuments  at  restore it on the 50  anniversary of the UN   was of enormous significance. These include  today, in the hope that they will accomplish   Palais des Nations
 the Villa La Fenêtre – the Black  on the grounds of the Palais. It was thought   all  former  Secretaries-General  and  the  what  we  could  not.  We  believe  that  the   “Histoire et
 Marble Obelisk to commemorate  this  would  be  an  appropriate  monument   UNOG  Directors-General  (the  period  from  current  generation,  or  those  which  come   architecture du
 the  1   Congress  of  the  Peace  to  mark  the  jubilee,  but  funds  were  not   1963 to 1995), as well as my dear friend Jean-  after, will want to get back to their heritage   Palais des Nations
 Society 1830, and the Temple of  available  for  implementation .  Sadly,  it  was   Claude Pallas, who is the true guardian of the  and finally restore this important monument   (1924-2001), L’Art
 Friendship  and  Peace  in  1820,  then  forgotten  until  I  came  across  it  a  few   Palais and its heritage and who shared all his  of Geneva internationalism. It is my privilege   Déco au service
                                                                                             des relations
 which seems to be the first ever  years  ago  and  was  struck  by  its  historical   discoveries  and  undertakings  with  me.  This  to be part of this chain from the past to the   internationales”,
 peace  monument  in  Geneva.  significance.  I  immediately  contacted  Jean-  article is request from the past to the future:  future!  UNOG, 2001; and
 This  symbolizes  the  spirit  of  Claude  Pallas  who  graciously  provided   do not forget about this monument, and if   the former Chief
 internationalism in Geneva, and  me  with  documentation,  and  I  conducted   possible, restore it. Even though it was given   of the Building
 so  is  part  of  its  multilateralist  research of my own (details in Diva 1/2020,   to city storage and broken into pieces, many  The author expresses deepest thanks to   and Engineering
 history.   pp. 24-39).  « Portrait d’arbres », Italie 2019  of which are damaged or lost, the foundation  Jean-Claude Pallas  Section at UNOG.

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